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  1. Twingy

    This insanely accurate model still predicts Trump Victory

    I was hoping the Philadelphia transit strike would continue, that would pretty much give PA to Trump....
  2. Twingy

    Eric Trump is fucking awesome

    So I work for an ambulance company here in the Hudson Valley. A crew I work with brought someone home on hospice the other day who is an employee at the Trump country club in East Fishkill. She showed my coworker a video on her phone from Eric Trump, it was a video message he had made for her...
  3. Twingy

    New pistol shooters wanted, Sun Nov 13, Blue Mtn Sportsman Center

    I would like to attend this. I've taken a few basic pistol courses and it's been too long since I've been at the range. I've got a 9mm Shield I got in March and still haven't even shot yet :-p Shame on me....
  4. Twingy

    Ameican Conservative Party

    The established Republican party is a complete joke. We are approaching 20 trillion in debt with a Republican controlled house, are you freaking kidding me? Registered Libertarian here who wishes Gary Johnson would leave now and never come back.
  5. Twingy

    2 cops shot and killed in Iowa

    This shit is getting out of control...
  6. Twingy

    Justice Thomas – The Entire Constitution Is Equally Valid, Including 2nd Amendment

    Clarence Thomas is the last great justice we have.
  7. Twingy

    FBI - hillary investigation back on

    I'm not optimistic that anything of value to us will come from this.
  8. Twingy

    Sig 1911 Nightmare

    So my LGS has a full size Sig Sauer 1911 Nightmare in stock for $980. 1911 Fastback Nightmare Gonna need someone to talk me out of it...
  9. Twingy

    My plan for November 9th

    If there were ever a time I wanted to do a ride along with LE, this would be it..... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Twingy

    In-Extremis Medical Training

    Yes if the wound is up near the iliac crest and you can't get a tourniquet above it, then a direct pressure device like a junctional tourniquet is really the best option. But they're bulky and cumbersome to use. Not something you can toss in a pocket or a kit really.
  11. Twingy

    Medical Training Day, 10/30, lower Hudson valley area

    Yes it's on. I'll PM everyone who is attending the address, there was a request to not make it public.
  12. Twingy

    My plan for November 9th

    More like simultaneously.
  13. Twingy

    My plan for November 9th

    It's the best option.
  14. Twingy

    Maryland Police Officer Suspended For Displaying ‘Oath Keepers’ Hat In Cruiser

    Gotta be honest, this is really no different to me than the NFL players kneeling for the anthem. When you're an employee you're bound by a set of guidelines you have to abide by. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Twingy

    Maryland Police Officer Suspended For Displaying ‘Oath Keepers’ Hat In Cruiser

    Gotta be honest, this is really no different to me than the NFL players kneeling for the anthem. When you're an employee you're bound by a set of guidelines you have to abide by. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Twingy

    In-Extremis Medical Training

    Anybody who has been following this and is interested, we are setting up a day o 10/30, see here: Medical Training Day, 10/30, lower Hudson valley area...
  17. Twingy

    In-Extremis Medical Training

    If it's the video I'm thinking of, the authorities shot this dude in the street and he had a femoral artery bleed. They literally stood there and watched him bleed to death in the middle of the street. A tourniquet would have given him a shot at making it. Direct pressure would have been very...
  18. Twingy

    NYSP Arrested A West Virginia Man For Possessing Two Handguns!

    You shouldn't be ambivalent about this, no state has the right to infringe on a constitutionally protected right. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Twingy

    Medical Training Day, 10/30, lower Hudson valley area

    There are many tourniquet designs on the market. As far as I'm aware the CAT is the preferred tourniquet of the US Military. The commission on tactical emergency casualty care does not take a stance on a preferred model, they just give guidelines on what a tourniquet should do. Recently all...
  20. Twingy

    Medical Training Day, 10/30, lower Hudson valley area

    Joel, how does around 1pm sound? My wife has something going on in the morning and I have to watch the baby. Is anybody else interested in this? There seemed to be a lot of interest in the other thread....
  21. Twingy

    It's all over....

    He's starting to hammer back a bit, did NOT look good at the beginning. These moderators are fucking terrible.... So one sided it hurts to watch.
  22. Twingy

    It's all over....

    10 minutes in, Trump is a man defeated, being attacked on all sides from liberal moderators. They aren't gonna talk about anything other than the tape, King Hillary accepts the nomination....
  23. Twingy

    Medical Training Day, 10/30, lower Hudson valley area

    We have a location in Fishkill available, is anybody wanting to attend? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Twingy

    Medical Training Day, 10/30, lower Hudson valley area

    We have a location in Fishkill available, is anybody wanting to attend? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. Twingy

    Medical Training Day, 10/30, lower Hudson valley area

    Alright guys there seemed to be a fair amount of interest in this when I floated the idea. Lets shoot for the 30th, I just need someone to figure out a location, maybe someone has a clubhouse at the range or something. If there's A/V equipment I can hook a laptop in, even better. This would be...
  26. Twingy

    Gang Violence in Long Island Town Fuels Immigration Debate

    I grew up in Nassau county, I thought Brentwood was one of the nicer areas.... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  27. Twingy

    Gang Violence in Long Island Town Fuels Immigration Debate

    I grew up in Nassau county, I thought Brentwood was one of the nicer areas.... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  28. Twingy

    Trump 2016

    The basket of deplorables overfloweth again.
  29. Twingy

    Hillary calls Bernie Supporters "uninformed basement dwellers" in hacked audio clip

    I might be deplorable, but at least I have my own house. That's the real reason I can't vote for Hillary.
  30. Twingy

    I don't understand liberals.....

    HRC stands on a podium talking about free everything for everyone, her and Bernie talk about how their supporters live in their parents basements, we are hearing a re-hash of the same nonsense we heard the past 2 election cycles from the left... There's been the most liberal progressive in the...
  31. Twingy

    Newburgh , Man Shot In The Back !

    I go to New Windsor from Fishkill. I take the long way around Newburgh.
  32. Twingy

    In-Extremis Medical Training

    Everything they are teaching civilian medics stateside now about trauma care is based on lessons learned from military medicine, you're exactly right. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  33. Twingy

    Clinton just threw Trump a softball with her 65% estate tax plan

    This. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  34. Twingy

    Tactical Medical Training

    I posted in the prepping forum about doing an informal in-extremis medical training day. Things like hemorrhage control, airway control and fixing immediate life threats before definitive medical care can be rendered. If anyone wants to get in on this, let's pick a Sunday in late October and...
  35. Twingy

    3 gun Oct 23 MSC (ulster county)

    Sounds fun, I've always wanted to do a 3 gun shoot. How do you work the rifle stage with all of the NY laws?
  36. Twingy

    UNTHINKABLE! & Tactical Medicine for EDC classes- 12/3+12/4 - MARCY NY

    I've been to the Unthinkable class with William Aprill, HIGHLY recommend it.
  37. Twingy

    Is anybody having a debate party?

    HA! Yup, that looks like rigor to me...... I'm sure his handlers are well aware of this possibility and are preparing him thusly. I honestly think he is going to wipe the stage with her. ... poor stage
  38. Twingy

    Is anybody having a debate party?

    Doc, wouldn't you have an ethical obligation to help her? Even criminals have a right to medical care....
  39. Twingy

    MDTS Practical Pistol 2 review

    I've taken a few courses with Chris also, you always get more than your money's worth. I wish there were more on Sundays though, I work every Saturday :-p
  40. Twingy

    Where do you carry (on your body), and why?

    Hehe, I can carry in your county but you can't ;-) WHOA, a real John Maclane over here!!!! Haha, seriously though... Lefty appendix carry-er here. Right now an M&P Compact in either an Incog, Raven vanguard2 or a 4 Corners Concealment AIWB holster. I had an instructor show me how easy it is...
  41. Twingy

    Doesn't anyone want to sell anything!

    I picked up some flat screens in Charlotte that "fell off a truck" I can unload for a very fair price....
  42. Twingy

    If Proposed Gun Ballot Measures Go Through In California, This Could Be Your Typical Morning

    This. I didn't habitually lock up my EDC handgun until I had a kid. Now not even a stray piece of ammo is unsecured. It's got nothing to do with the government mandating that I do that. When my kid is old enough and responsible enough and I feel that she can be trusted, my security strategies...
  43. Twingy

    Scott had a gun. Was that reason enough to order him to drop it?

    I carry a gun with me whenever it's legal. I don't walk down the street carrying it in my hand though...
  44. Twingy

    Is anybody having a debate party?

    I am. There is going to be a lot of alcohol. Drink whenever Hillary lies (basically whenever she opens her mouth). I'm supposed to be at work at 0600 on Tuesday. It's gonna be a rough morning. I'm still not 100% sold that Hillary will actually show up for the debate. I think Trump is gonna eat...
  45. Twingy


    If the cops shoot a white dude, I'm looting the shit out of Gander Mountain....
  46. Twingy

    Supreme Court Second Amendment Case Could Overrule Heller Decision in 2017

    I'm deplorable now, I'll be deplorable then.
  47. Twingy

    Where/How do you get your news?

    I just gave up my Sirius subscription cos they charge outlandish fees, but I really liked listening to Andrew Wilkow. Even paying for service, wayyyyy too many advertisements. I listen to the Dana Show syndicated on Apple podcasts now. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  48. Twingy

    Where/How do you get your news?

    Breitbart usually, I also like Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  49. Twingy

    In-Extremis Medical Training

    @Calculon it can be whatever people want it to be. What the military learned is that uncontrolled bleeding, airway obstruction, collapsed lungs are the three biggest preventable causes of death on the battlefield. People with these conditions generally don't make it alive to the hospital for...
  50. Twingy

    In-Extremis Medical Training

    I'm in Dutchess county, so somewhere around there...