The response from heil hochul's office is disgusting:
“Today, Antonio Delgado finally said out loud what has been obvious for quite some time: he is simply not interested in doing the job of the Lieutenant...
After years of being a tack driver, my Mk III Hunter is now becoming inaccurate. At 50' from a bench grouping is spreading out to 2 or more inches (used to put 10 rounds through the same hole).
I've tried three different red dots.
First one, and the one that was on the gun the longest, is an...
Not sure where else to put this.
More idiocy from those trying their hardest to indoctrinate kids that "guns 'r bad, m'kay!".
"Monroe County sheriff’s deputies say it all started when a man stole a bunch of meat. That’s when a person who saw the theft approached the suspect. Deputies say the suspect had a sharp object, possibly a knife...
I'm terribly sorry to interrupt the exciting discussions on politics (FUKH), religion, health, the universe, etc., but I need advice on an issue I've been having with a recent 1911 purchase.
The gun:
TriStar American Classic II 1911 in 9mm.
Imported by TriStar from Metro Arms Corp, Manila...
Not sure if this was posted before. A search didn't bring anything up.
"In March of 2022, David Zayas was driving down the Hutchinson River Parkway in Scarsdale. His car, a gray...
They call it a "mass shooting" but it sounds more like two rival gangs going at it.
got to shoot an AR9 and loved it. The wife also loved it.
However, she didn't like that it was spitting powder in her face. She has to shoot lefty because her right eye doesn't work.
she would like me to build her a left-handed AR9 or AR22.
I've done some looking around, but other than...
Yes this is from wikipedia:
In the United States, qualified immunity is a legal principle that grants government officials performing discretionary functions immunity from civil suits unless the plaintiff shows that the official violated "clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of...
Will likely be visiting Ulster County in a month or so. I have an unrestricted permit now.
Would there be any issue with having my carry on me while I am in Ulster?
I want to check before I drive there.
Thanks in advance.
In what looks to be an obvious case of gang-related activity, the news has to use the term "gunman" to make sure the public knows just what caused this murder.
No mention of possible gang affiliation for the shooter or...
Back when I first started getting into pistol shooting I was looking at 9mm handguns, and saw a Smith & Wesson similar to their 4506 but in 9mm.
I ended up getting the Ruger P95 instead. While fun, it ultimately was not what I wanted.
Fast forward to today... after having many .22, a .357...
Starting to sound like ChiRaq!
The wife saw this in the Pennysaver.
Assemblyman Hawley seeks to get armed Resource Officers in the schools in response to a supposed threat uncovered for a violent incident in the Albion school system.
Bill A3732 was submitted. NY State Assembly Bill A3732
"Relates to creating a school...
Erie County Clerk to sue Governor Cuomo
"The clerk's office says the legislation facilitates illegal aliens to remain in the United States and aims to shield them from detection by immigration officials. Kearns says the law compels County Clerks across the state to violate federal law."
Saw this come up on my Facebook feed. Didn't see a thread on it here.
Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control
The result seems to follow what we say here. More civilian owned guns equals less crime.
Armed furniture store owner fights back would-be robber in Indianapolis
A couple take-aways from this article:
1) Store owner claims to know the perp's gun isn't loaded by the sound of the slide being drawn back.
2) The store owner did not shoot the perp because he was concerned about...
Not sure where else to put this.
As I was driving west on Rt 104 I noticed at least three Monroe County Sheriff's vehicles on the side of the road and in the parking lot for Chinappi's. one vehicle was the M.C.S. pickup with a huge enclosed trailer behind it.
Are they cleaning out Chinappi's...
Are you completely forbidden from CCW? Do they have an "unloading station" where you can render your defense defenseless?
What are the rules, since it is at the State Fairgrounds?
Democrat Tom Suozzi suggests a "Second Amendment" remedy against Trump:
Democrat suggests 'Second Amendment' remedy vs. Trump
So, the Democrats really DO know what the 2nd Amendment is for. But they only accept it when it is against people THEY don't like?
Sounds like more tyrannical...
Undocumented immigrant appointed to statewide post in California
How many laws are being broken doing this, and when will these politicians be arrested for it!
Saw this on my Facebook feed this morning.
(Yes, I do Facebook, don't judge me. There are many groups worth joining, from Jeep groups to Willys groups, with a lot of useful information.)
It is titled "Stop H.R. 5087 "Stop the gun ban""
This bill begins the slow but sure erosion of our...
With the success of their efforts to discredit the President by claiming Russian involvement, the Democrats appear to be using this success to go after another long-time target, the NRA.
FBI looking at potential transfers from Russian banker to NRA
And it continues:
At least 3 dead after shooting at California elementary school
3 dead, shooter killed near Tehama County school
Things to take away from this:
Perp was supposedly a felon in his 50s. Where'd he get the gun?
Perp supposedly had "large magazines". In CA? Really?
No word...
Bringing this back up. Had some health issues that make it harder to ride now. Could use the money for the WIllys pickup.
Craigslist ad: 2004 Kawasaki Vulcan - Meanstreak
2007 Kawasaki Vulcan Special Edition Meanstreak
approx 19000 miles
new battery 2017
Will come with the...
I am looking at finally assembling an AR onto my stripped lower. I would like to go with a complete upper at this time.
Visiting a local gunstore, they have a "used" 556 upper, with bolt carrier, charging handle, open sights, and a keyhole style handguard...I believe rifle length gas...
Saw this on my Facebook feed (yes, I use Facebook...helps me keep in touch with family).
Can New York really say that if you vote, but do not vote on a specific item on the ballot, it is automatically a 'yes' vote?
From FB:
ATTENTION::That's some...
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has decided to cut funding from programs that fight cancer, diabetes, and other conditions.
NY lawmakers: Cuomo is moving to cut funds to fight cancer
Sure, now that his girlfriend is out of the woods to hell with other sick people in New York. How very Republican of you...