I've also lived in a few other states, southern states, and I agree. The vast majority in NY don't seem to care about their rights being taken away. Also, too many listen to mainstream liberal BS, and it's sadly brainwashed and conditioned them to be NPC's.
I'd love to know the answer to this question. Because I don't have a pistol permit or own any pistols, obviously... but I have dozens of semi-auto rifles (purchased before the dumb SA rifle permit law). I don't yet own any bolt action rifles, but I planned to buy an "AR-Style" complete bolt...
I did most of my stocking up during the Covid shortage. All ordered online. Spent over $1/round on thousands of rounds, like an idiot. Caught the FOMO feeling. I think I spent ~$6k on 5.56 alone lol
I don't recall seeing anything in the NYS law that says state residents aren't allowed to buy ammo in other states and bring it home. Does it actually say that?
There was a buy back recently and some guy 3D printed a shit ton of lowers and showed up to make a small fortune. $21,000 in $500 gift cards. Our tax money hard at work! :ROFL:
Same. I bought 6 lowers and almost 5000 rounds of various calibers to add to what I already had prior to September in preparation. But it's nice to know you can still buy/transfer lowers, even though some big box stores stopped selling them for now.
I've also talked to multiple people who have no idea about the new semi-auto permit or any of the other new laws, many just don't pay attention I guess.
Talked to a guy yesterday who had no idea about the semi-auto permit, he just finished a new semi-auto AR build too... he had no problem...
Zeldin did say he would undo all the recent gun laws Kathy passed... he even said he would repeal all the unSAFE ACT gun laws passed under Cumo. Lastly, he said he would revoke all COVID vax mandates across the State, and make vax and mask mandates illegal. These are the reasons I will vote for...
The left's attack on free speech, and war against the biggest bastion of truth. Trial was a JOKE, they wouldn't let Alex's attorney defend him whatsoever. The case will likely continue for years, as Alex will appeal. They won't get a penny because Alex has declared bankruptcy and they...
The truth about the jabs will come out sooner or later. They are meant for depopulation. When the globalists say "zero carbon" they mean you! Myself and 5 other friends who didn't get a single shot have never gotten COVID. But literally EVERY idiot I know who got the jabs has had COVID multiple...
Dude, this would be the end of freedom as we know it.
Companies could even put a limitation on what kind of goods and services one can buy with their paychecks. Want to buy some ammo? Well, your paycheck is not earmarked to allow for purchases in that category! Want to buy a new TV? Nope...
I still want to know what would happen if one were to simply say they don't have any social media. I mean, honestly, many people really don't have any. It's not like it's a law to have and use social media accounts.
What are they going to do? Deny your application and tell you to create social...
PSA customer service finally got back to me with the reason just now. Apparently, their internal "fraud alert" systems marked my order with a high potential fraud score and automatically cancelled it. Have to wait 5-7 days for my refund then they said to try again. They wouldn't tell me what...
Yeah, I looked at that page too and also asked their support person what rule it breaks. I know they won't sell lowers or completes to NY, I already thought they were lame because of that. I don't understand why they canceled it and their support didn't either. Now I'm stuck with a PSA 9mm lower...
I placed an order on PSA's website on Thursday of last week. My card was charged, everything seemed normal. Today the order was cancelled and no reason was given.
The order was for 1 lower parts kit and a 9mm complete upper. Both items are still in stock on their website. A friend of mine...
This is literally the reason why cryptocurrency like Monero/XMR (a privacy coin) was invented. If it was more widely adopted, it would work. Of course then it would only be a matter of time before governments illegalize privacy coins too -- but still, truly decentralized privacy-centric crypto...
I use privacy.com to secure ALL online purchases. Been using them for years. It's basically a burner card, one-time use virtual credit card. It is connected to my bank account, but all the purchases made with my privacy.com cards show up under the category "personal" to my bank. You can use any...
And that's a BIG 'maybe'. With the radical left now pushing hard for a more communistic, authoritarian society and all the brain washed younger generation NPCs completely fine with removing and reforming the Amendments they're told to hate within the Constitution, I could see the country headed...
Yikes! I'm guessing everyone who opted in will be opting out ASAP. I would never opt in to such a communist control system. Stay off the grid like your life depends on it!
I'd like to know what is so suspicious about gun and ammo purchases. If I buy 1000+ rounds to stock up on a caliber, is that suspicious? Because when I buy ammo, I normally always buy in high quantity because it's cheaper. If it is suspicious, what are they going to do, come to my door and ask...
They are working on leading us into a cashless system, slowly but surely. Yep, the days of freedom coming to an end as we copy China's horrible social credit score system.
Starbucks is leading the movement now...
SMFH. So basically if you believe in the constitution, the FBI is taught to classify you as a domestic terrorist now. This 'agency' needs to be completely dismembered. Disgraceful. No longer a free republic with this Federal garbage harassing peaceful Americans.
Bought just over 4,000 rounds online over the past month to add to my hoard. If they want to play games and buying online goes away, I'll bring my business to PA.
If this kind of disregard for our 2A rights continues to go without a massive push back, sooner or later they'll be banning all guns along with pepper spray & pocket knives, just like they do in the UK.
They control the food supply, they control the masses. Just like globalists plan to depopulate millions through poison vaccines, releasing chemicals in the air, chemicals in the water. It's a death by 1000 cuts mission they're on.
Attacking energy and food production is their current move...
In addition to buying whatever semi's were on my wish list (my wallet hurts right now lol), I've been buying up stripped lowers on gunbroker the past couple of weeks.
I don't know how they could consider a stripped lower a semi-auto, but I wouldn't put it past their low IQ on guns the way they...
This draft is ridiculous! On page 23 the draft states that ALL ammunition sales are not only subject to a NICs BGC, but must also be recorded to a dataset/database maintained by any seller of ammunition or dealer, and that database must be kept accessible to NYSP. At least this is my...
Damn, I deleted all my social media over 10 years ago. Aside from some chat boards, like this one, I really don't use any social media these days. Of course, they would probably reject someone for claiming that.
I would also add that if anyone is like myself here, they wouldn't feel all that comfortable protesting for gun rights in public the way things have been lately in this country, under leftist rule dictatorship ... (*cough, J6 cough*).
As sad as it is, it's the reality. Because we all know...
I was thinking about this same hypothetical situation this morning. It's like it's not even worth concealing in a place with no sign anymore if that's written in the law. And what good is it locked in a box in your car? No time to protect yourself with all the BS and it's too risky to just not...
Yes, I feel it's worse than the 'Safe Act'. I mean come on... if we need to renew this training every two years and spend 15-20 hours and probably $500-$1000 just to renew it, that's frickin ridiculous. That mixed with barley being able to carry anywhere you go and needing to lock it up when in...
'Background checks on ammo purchases for guns that require a permit'... I'm wondering if this is going to screw up buying ammo online again for NY.
Also, because of the new permit to buy semi-auto's, will this mean background checks for 5.56 ammo? I find ammo online for less than half the...
This is the same ideology I have for businesses that require a 'proof of vax' to enter. Even the ones that have since dropped their vax requirement, I will never give them business again. Period. This isn't communist China ... even though we're getting closer to it every day.
Exactly. Every time she and the left repeatedly says "keep NY safe" when all they're doing is making it harder for us to protect ourselves, I'm cringing to myself about how backwards their thought process is. They must know, on some level, that what they're saying makes no sense!
Keeping us...
This puts private businesses in a bad spot and basically forces them into a situation where they're able to be publicly politicized if they choose to allow their customers to carry. It's like the mask mandates and forcing businesses to put the "masks must be worn" sign up. It's ridiculous.
I really hope the horse-faced witch loses today & a Republican takes office again. It's been 20 years, but I feel like it can happen. The people have had enough of the BS from the left.
Thanks! I found some floorplates for my mags for $3 a piece, which is nice and cheap. It is ridiculous, but I'd rather not risk it and lose my gun rights.
Astorino does seem like the next best pick. I didn't know the backstabber (Pence) endorsed Zeldin. Honestly, anyone who is against vax mandates and pro 2nd amendment gets my vote. Those two things matter the most to me.
Thanks for clarifying. So shit, I'm not even supposed to have possession of any magazine that holds more than 5 rounds. That sucks. So I'm still technically breaking the law for only having 5 rounds in my 10 round mags in this case. I looked up 5 round mags and they cost the same as the 10 round...
I disagree with Lonsberry on this (and many, many other things). Myself and my family are voting for Zeldin for two reasons:
1.) He's the only candidate out of the 4 who will talk about NEVER pushing vax mandates in NY -- for ANY reason, period.
2.) He's the only candidate who says he will...
I live in the city of Roc. I didn't even know about the 5 round law, I have had all my mags loaded with 7 rounds for years. Guess I better take a couple out of each one today. I highly doubt any RPD officers would ever enter my residence, but I'd rather not deal with something as stupid as this...
The IRS is also buying up huge hoards of ammo right now, further reducing the supply for citizens.
The IRS Is Buying Up Ammo, While The Government Intends To Make It Harder For Citizens To Acquire
There's a lot of people discussing this on this Twitter post by 'Gun Owners of America':
Some in that thread are saying it depends on the interpretation of the law. The bill redefines "gun manufacturing" to include assembling a working firearm from parts. In the strictest reading of the Bill...