I hate NYS and its evil corrut government!
NYS Nazi needs to be locked up for life!!!
Shes a " red flag"!!!
We the people cant let her continue this rage of corrupt power over the people!!!
She hates the 2 nd amendment and hates the Constitution which makes her a communist! Communist...
you do! NYS sucks as far as gun laws and CC! though if you have someone already in NYS that has a pistol permit that can be amended as to adding all those pistols you want to bring to NYS but you have to apply for a NYS pistol permit first! so i dont think there resoprocity but send your...
i wish this governor would focus on what the people need not what she needs like developing more fema camps to lock down and do what ever she pleases to the poor souls who fall for this crap ! why fall for these atrocious stunts!!!??
very evil
Well what the hell! I would not ever think of
not chambering a round and lock the pistol!
After all what the hell is the sense of an empty fire arm to a police officer??? Its in his vehicle which I assumed that was locked and how would anyone know anyhow!!!??? Stupid charge !