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  1. Kzinti

    Gun Safe

    I'm wondering with the confusion over how these laws will be implemented, will every business have to post a sign saying guns welcome or no guns allowed ?
  2. Kzinti

    Gun Safe

    Thank you for your answers
  3. Kzinti

    Gun Safe

    Heard something today about NYS residents have to keep their guns in a fireproof/secure safe ? Is this true ?
  4. Kzinti

    Gun free zone

    Just a question for someone with more smarts than me. What good is a CCW permit do if you can't carry where you want because of GFZ popping up?
  5. Kzinti

    Monroe County Gunshow

  6. Kzinti

    Monroe County Gunshow

    Please excuse my ignorance but what/who are TROLLS ?
  7. Kzinti

    Monroe County Gunshow

    Thanks for the info. There is a Gunshow at the Dome Arena this Sept 28,29 2019. The Wife and I both have our PP and we have been talking our time at the FP, trying out different calibers and gun frames to see what we like best before purchasing. Thinking the GS would be the best place for the...
  8. Kzinti

    Monroe County Gunshow

    Good Morning everyone, Would anybody have advice on which gun sellers at the Monroe County Gunshow you should stay away from (if any) when looking to buy a pistol? Thank You in advance.
  9. Kzinti

    Gun Info

    Hopefully I'll be getting my permit before the end of next month in time for the Gun Show at the Dome Arena. I have a couple of questions for anybody out there: First is there any specific gun dealers anyone knows of that frequent gun shows but because of their bad business practices I should...
  10. Kzinti


    Thank You.
  11. Kzinti


    Greetings, New to the gun owners and forum world.