If the Fucking Muslims would have not attacked Israel , burned babies alive in ovens. They would still be fucking each others goats
PS I have no love for Israel. Remember the USS Liberty
With Respect ...Amazing as to how many Kammy the vegas whore Commie lovers are here.
All you heard about is how Trump should not attack the twat. be Nice, be calm .
So he did. And Now people say he is a Looser. Short of using Foul language he should let her have it with both barrels in the...
This should get very interesting !! Just wondering how much fake Anti TRUMP shit will the average Person take?
How will the "WHO ever ? Take him into custody with The SS and His Private Security , Unless He tells them Stand Down ??
Excelent post. So why are so many people willing to vote for a High dollar escort. { escort === whore, sex worker, ] Can even be honest about her history
Never . Even with senile old Pedo and big $$$ whore in office. Way to many People in Office/Military LOVE this country
Targeting systems are already at work being adjusted
Every time you think this state is F U B A R They take another step toward full retard.
If my Niece finds a Male in her locker room . Oh boy [ pun] the fun will start.
Because I can Fix STUPID. But it will HURT LIKE HELL
PS from the Witch Queen herself.
Everyone goes out alone at...
Not saying what I have stored. Only 2 ways off L.I. plane or Boat. I don't like planes. Used to have A great Neighborhood thing. But all moved or died. Now have A limited dependable number. Lots of food and Ways to cook . No in-laws coming solved that shit awhile back. Wife has 4...
1- Modernized version of the P239 adapted to take P365 magazines. Never happen 'cause it'd never sell but I'd love one.
I have A SIG 239 . Black SS. Don't need the grip to be any larger. Reloads fast.