Haven't been there in several years, and I live 15 minutes away. When I do go there, I make sure it's in the morning, when the usual suspects are still in bed.
I had considered that possibility, in exchange for being pardoned by Trump. And this gave Trump excellent political cover to pardon whomever else he likes. I wonder if this is Biden's parting shot at the party that dumped him.
The high dollar ones are likely rare collector examples. Romanian, Albanian, East German, North Korean, those can get crazy pricy. Some Russians too. As others have said, find a nice Yugo.
Clearly someone wanted to make an example of this guy. I would like to know who and why. "Just following orders" isn't going to work on this one. It was too disproportional to the offense.
I can only judge by the interactions I have had over the years both as an individual and as a business matter. I did business with the DEC training academy in CNY for a few years. Listening to the TOs talk about training new officers, it became very apparent why they were the way they were.
I’m aware. All those purged people still exist, and we don’t turn in our training when we muster out. I’d like to think that the folks in power understand that.