What kind of work? That’s preventable? To alter how the cases are ejected? That’s pretty wild.I love my Kimber Stainless Target ll in .45 . My friend just bought a Colt Competition 1911 in 9mm, a lot of the ejected casings hit him in the face. It's definitely going to need work!
Yep a little filing on the ejector can send the brass where you want it. I used to shoot a 38 super when I played the IPSC game in the 90s. Back then 9mm could not be in the major power factor class. I hear they have changed that now.What kind of work? That’s preventable? To alter how the cases are ejected? That’s pretty wild.
First came the Combat Commander, .45acp, stainless. Eventually joined by competition 9mm in stainless.Do you wgreen 4-cylinder Mustang? Then go ahead and get a 9mm 1911...
NO WAY! Don't do it, mon!
Your first (or only) 1911 absolutely positively MUST be a .45!
I repeat, get the .45acp You will not regret it.
A 1911 pistol is by definition chambered in .45acp - no ifs, ands, or buts!
A steel framed 1911 is a soft shooter in .45acp.
It is as close to perfection as is possible.
Barrel of 4 or 5 inches... IN .45ACP ONLY!
Repeat after me:
1911 = .45acp
Handguns are almost never used in military combat. Hardly ever. So all these posts about winning wars and all the years used is just as silly as other whole .45 steal your soul thing.hahahha i love this post because it negates the fact that the military uses rifles, bombs, artillery and literally everything before handguns
Handguns are almost never used in military combat. Hardly ever. So all these posts about winning wars and all the years used is just as silly as other whole .45 steal your soul thing.
.38 Special revolvers were used for many years by the police. That doesn't make it a superior caliber or platform.
The Valkerie is newer than the .308. The military should change their crew served weapons to that. Or should they go to the tried and true 30.06?The 9mm is older than the .45 acp. Get a 10mm or .357 sig. Forget all that old crap...
Well maybe not enough. If you ever run out of ammo at least a nice steel frame against a skull will stop a person as well. Plastic guns are jsut taht plastic. Polymer is plastic.
Nah. That’s an unproven new cartridge. Stick to handguns will. .357 sig is far superior to the old shitty 9mm. In a restricted state even more so.The Valkerie is newer than the .308. The military should change their crew served weapons to that. Or should they go to the tried and true 30.06?
The 1911 is a very simple pistol to maintain shoot and conceal. Let's count how many modern pistols are based on that design. The .45 acp is a round that will stop anyone. Plus i know i can always trust carrying cocked and locked because of the grip safety. Enough said.
Well maybe not enough. If you ever run out of ammo at least a nice steel frame against a skull will stop a person as well. Plastic guns are jsut taht plastic. Polymer is plastic.
Now the glock people are going to chime up about all the trails that the glocks went through in the Austrian army... bla bla bla the 1911 was used in almost every conflict in the 20th century and still is by some units. It served this country for almost 70 years. Not since has another handgun done that.
Ballistically with a 4 inch barrel, yes. With a 3 inch CCW, no. Not worth the recoil and flash.Nah. That’s an unproven new cartridge. Stick to handguns will. .357 sig is far superior to the old shitty 9mm. In a restricted state even more so.
That's a dumbass who dropped his gun in the fire and left it there.
Thanks. It took long enough!!! LOLoh and nice job on the NYC permit.
^^^I’m still confused over which caliber to get. Maybe even more so now!! LOL
I definitely need to rent both calibers and see which one I like better.![]()