Most models of Ruger mini 14 are already compliant I wouldn’t bother trying to modify one. Just wait until you move and buy an aftermarket stock that you like.
what is the rush? You are moving so get one after you leave the PRNY or get a compliant one and buy the non compliant stock pistol grip combo when you are in Free America.Yes, it is stock but adding a pistol grip and a telescoping stock will make it illegal unless its a single shot or a bolt action
what is the rush? You are moving so get one after you leave the PRNY or get a compliant one and buy the non compliant stock pistol grip combo when you are in Free America.
Well because I'm impatient and want to express my 2a as soon as possible while trying to not go to jail. Plus my lease doesn't end for another year. Who wants to wait that long? Lol
Good luck with it, most gun shops are closed.
So you prefer to trade off functionality for cosmetics? Why not go for a fixed mag AR?
Because I want a mini 14. Plus, putting a sealed gas block can be changed back later without damaging the gun. I can't just unfix a mag. At least with the gas block I can take apart the gun and put in the original gas block once I'm out of Ny.
Nothing in law says mod has to be permanent... that would apply equally to gas block or mag. Hey do whatever floats your boat. As already suggested keeping your Mini-14 compliant until you leave NY would seem to be best of both worlds. Good luck.
Unfortunately no definitive guidance offered by NYS so any workarounds are pretty much at your own risk. Believe the permanence talk is carrying over from prior law when fully functional AR with pistol grip was allowed in NYS so long as there were no barrel threads or collapsible stock. Note nothing in prior law about permanence either but seemed to be generally accepted practice at that time.
I'd call him a professional dicktator.Omg I know! Thanks Cuomo! I really really try to be nice, but that guy is the reason I'm getting out of NY. He's a amateur dictator
Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for your time. I'll see about consulting with a lawyer about it. It's crazy to me they want to pass a gun control law at midnight and expect everyone to comply with very little guidance. It's crazy it's even a law when it's not socially acceptable by the educated which is most of us, and ones that do like the law trust the media and thinks AR stands for assult rifle.
Law passed 8 years ago, where've you been?
Seems like a lot of effort to take a compliant rifle and make it questionable. Closing off gas port, adding pistol grip and collapsible stock and consulting with a lawyer all when moving out of state in a year? To each his own I guess.
IMO you’d be better off keeping the Mini as is and put your money towards ammo and training. When you move to free America add your gizmos.
Seems like a lot of effort to take a compliant rifle and make it questionable. Closing off gas port, adding pistol grip and collapsible stock and consulting with a lawyer all when moving out of state in a year? To each his own I guess.
IMO you’d be better off keeping the Mini as is and put your money towards ammo and training. When you move to free America add your gizmos.
Wait whoa, you can get a NY fixed rifle and when traveling to a free state unfix it?Nothing in law says mod has to be permanent... that would apply equally to gas block or mag. Hey do whatever floats your boat. As already suggested keeping your Mini-14 compliant until you leave NY would seem to be best of both worlds. Good luck.
If you want the features and dont care its single shot buy a bolt gun in the first place.
More accurate and no ambiguity on legality.
Buy your A Team gun later.
Wait whoa, you can get a NY fixed rifle and when traveling to a free state unfix it?I always thought they were permanently fixed.
Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t the sequence goes when you’re in a Free State = Unfixed when coming back to NY or even in NY = Fixed.Lots of ways to fix (and unfix) a mag as stated any workaround is at own risk.
One thing to consider with sealing off the gas port, is that there will be no way short of firing the gun, for LEO to know it's a bolt action. At least with a fixed mag you can easily point that out and they can verify on the spot that it's fixed. With sealing off the gas port all LEO's are going to see is a fully featured semi-auto rifle that happens to be illegal. I'm not talking about being at the range and getting approached, I am talking about getting stopped in your vehicle or in some other instance where discharging the rifle to prove it's not semi-auto is not possible.