Your statements say a lot about your work conditions and what you have deal with on a day to day basis. Some of us have/had a different environment.. A Lilly white ( for lack of better description ) neighborhood like a Mayberry, USA is not where you are dealing with people who attack police as a rite of passage like the places some officers work .
Stuff can happen anywhere and I want you not to become the next statistic .
I know you saw this before but let’s educate the others on the forum
This is the profile of the officers who get killed on the job. It’s not the hard ass. It’s officer friendly.
Behavioral Characteristics That Often Resolve Badly for Cops
In 1993, a FBI research team delivered a simple but compelling message: there are certain behavioral characteristics that get cops
The phases used to describe them are:
“Tends to perceive self as more public relations than law enforcement,”
“well-liked,” “laid back,” and “easy going.”
“Victim officers tended “to use less force than other officers felt they would use in similar circumstances”—-, some trainers are noticing that some officers today seem so hesitant about using force that it appears they are more afraid of being sued or thought overzealous than they are of being murdered!”
“officers who ended up dead often relied heavily on their perceived ability to “read” people and situations. They depended on “a rapid or abbreviated process” by which they analyzed environments and subjects and, based on their quick perceptions or feel, “acted accordingly”
Commonly they were optimists; they tended “to look for good’ in others.”
When they saw signs of cooperation, heard promises not to cause trouble, enjoyed a prior history of non-violent contacts with a suspect, sensed they had rapport, and the like, they tended to feel they were home free, rather than maintaining a mind-set that stays open to subtle and not-so subtle shifts in every interaction. Regrettably, the research team points out, “victim officers’ evaluations of offenders often prove inaccurate.”
I have been attacked many times. I am out of work right now due to an injury I got at work. There are always scary moments, but, I do not live in fear while at work.
I did not live in fear when I was deployed multiple times overseas. There were times that I was scared, but never mortal fear.
Again, if officers are so deep within their fear that they feel the need to violate the Rights of the people; go be a janitor or a cart boy.
Again this is the difference between people like me and people like you, and I don't say this to be nasty or rude, I honor my oath. I took my first oath in 1990 and I have retaking that oath four times since the 1st. You see I honor my oath, I honor my oath to the United States Constitution into the people of the United States. People like you do not. I can't even imagine how many times, when you were on the job how often you violated the rights of the people and you violated your oath of office.
The United States Constitution in my many oaths actually mean something more than just words written on paper. Just like when I deployed if I become a statistic, I am okay with that and so is my family. It's still amazes me that there are people like you who think that your mindset of fear is greater than the constitutional rights of the people.