Dr. Evil
20×102mm Vulcan
I own a shotgun and two pistols. During these uncertain times (lol, hate that saying) I was thinking of possibly getting a rifle of some sort. With the possibility of Harris/Biden, civil unrest, etc., what if any would you recommend. Trying to stay $1000 or less. I understand that for home security the shotgun is best overall especially when it comes to penetration of my own home walls and having other houses around me so as to limit collateral damage. Although one sees unrest in liberal cities and there is always a possibility of it spreading especially with this election fiasco, I can't say I am expecting this in the area. BLM was shut down months ago when they tried to start issues in Poughkeepsie (I live in Ulster on the other side of the Hudson). I understand bad stuff can happen anywhere but in saying that odds are not in its favor where I am. I don't hunt, target shoot much or compete so why would I want an AR platform rifle? What purpose would it serve? When at work and running about I carry a pistol and when at home I have my pistols and my shotgun. Purely based on needs is there any purpose for looking into a rifle? I just don't want to spend money on something I am trying to justify a need for if there isn't one especially the fact that here in New Yorkistan it will be neutered. If you think there is, what rifle and why. Thanks ahead of time. BTW, I looked at something that didn't fall into the category here as a illegal rifle. IIRC it was "another firearm" or "other firearm." Company was out of CT and since it didn't technically fall into the category based on certain features it had or didn't have it didn't need to be neutered. I'm sure at some point the those in charge will catch on and it will be illegal lol. It was about $1000 but with tax, sights, etc around $1500. Same caliber as an AR.
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