.308 Win
Keep on sharing each and every place you get your ammo from openly! It helps bring the costs way down even more. Anyone have any others they want to share so they can be targeted too by NYS while they search these forums?
I'd really just like to make it more difficult and more expensive to buy ammo in upstate NY. Can you make sure to spread their website links all over please? I want to get a free ass raping dildo included with my next order. I know we have a few online stores left we haven't shared yet. Keep them coming, Thanks again! Oh, and don't forget to ignore that search function, it's not there for any particular reason. Hey, thanks again!
I'd really just like to make it more difficult and more expensive to buy ammo in upstate NY. Can you make sure to spread their website links all over please? I want to get a free ass raping dildo included with my next order. I know we have a few online stores left we haven't shared yet. Keep them coming, Thanks again! Oh, and don't forget to ignore that search function, it's not there for any particular reason. Hey, thanks again!