Crap like this, and violent protests, whinging, threats and plans to disrupt the inauguration just harden the certainty of those who voted for Trump that they were right.
Those that held their nose and voted for Hitlery anyway (mostly Bernie supporters) are seeing the depth of the nastiness they have helped to release. Many of those hopefully will completely turn from "The Dark Side".
All together, IMHO, we are headed for at least major disruption, violent street actions, and the chance that Obola will do what he would love to do - declare martial law.
Soros and his hired scum are intent on not allowing Trump to be inaugurated - if they had any brains they would back off and see what happens - many are saying the economy is going to tank regardless of who is POTUS.
A hard rain is gonna fall, although I hope and pray it does not.
But it's wrong to ask for Trump on your Starbucks coffee. My wife was just yelling at me saying how it worried her that I did not think anything was wrong with them asking for trump on the cup. I said who freaking cares just write it on there and move on with your day. I'm sure they'd write Hilary Clinton for you.