Carl Gottstein
WE all want the same things. Right?
Believe it or not. So lets unite for the important wins!
~ Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness unimpeded by others.
I work to ensure my family is safe and secure. Watching democrats marginalize Judea~Christian morality, infringe directly on our freedoms and work long term to dismantle our civil liberties since I was a boy drove me into lifetime of vociferous activism. I have been engaged in the good fights as best I could since I was 18 years old, I am in my 58th year now. My actions for the last dozen years or so have hardened into full time active resistance to what I feel in my soul is an "anti America" agenda. I work to empower nysrpa, the nra and nys right to life committee. I am doing all I can to leave this world better than I found it.
I read all the responses to my last post about two weeks after I posted it. Glad I waited till I was in the right frame of mind. Most of it was a hatful diatribe and it was painful to read. That said all of your thoughts are valid and we all deserve respect, even though much of what was shared was cause by disinformation. It was gritty, real and honest, I let it all sink in. I posted to listen, not to talk. I heard you loud and clear. So respectfully, I wanted to offer a couple of responses before I move on to the final thought.
I was on the ramp with Carl Paladino and Donald Trump, Carl chose me to control access to the stage, we are friends. Tom King was right there with me. His intentionally glossed over point of not publicly attending was to protect our pending court cases. Of course the absolute impeccable logic was wasted on haters, so lost in the noise was the TRUTH of his statements. Activists memes were being used against US in court by the Bloomberg's of the world to marginalize, painting our pro liberty movement as inhabited by lunatics, using us to further restrict our rights! I SAW THE COURT DOCS! Tom King is ALWAYS standing tall, the adult in the room.
...AS for the sad day Scalia died we had no choice but to withdraw OUR CASE, YOU THINK WE WERE HAPPY ABOUT IT?
And the ARM CHAIR analysis that this set precedent is exactly wrong, ass backward. WE Did NOT set precedent, that's why we CHOSE to withdrawal!, so the fight could continue another day, under more favorable conditions! I think we have more favorable conditions now, right?
Thank you Tom King for fighting and winning President Donald J. Trump that time critical endorsement of the Board of Directors at the NRA in 2014, the earliest presidential endorsement EVER by the NRA. Thank Trump for THREE S.C. Justices seated. Thank the NRA and Wayne for 2010, 2014 and 2016 GOP Victories in which NRA and Wayne and Tom King were in lock step and critical to our victories.........I would rather you just said thank you, and went about your day....
I hope this post is better recieved than the last.
I hope to hear from you about your thoughts on NYSRPA vs Bruen
Our latest case...You know, the one we "do nothings" at have once again brought all the way to our nations highest court....
Peace and please keep a good thought in your heart for us all!
Sincerely yours,
Carl Gottstein,
Editor Bullet Magazine.
Believe it or not. So lets unite for the important wins!
~ Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness unimpeded by others.
I work to ensure my family is safe and secure. Watching democrats marginalize Judea~Christian morality, infringe directly on our freedoms and work long term to dismantle our civil liberties since I was a boy drove me into lifetime of vociferous activism. I have been engaged in the good fights as best I could since I was 18 years old, I am in my 58th year now. My actions for the last dozen years or so have hardened into full time active resistance to what I feel in my soul is an "anti America" agenda. I work to empower nysrpa, the nra and nys right to life committee. I am doing all I can to leave this world better than I found it.
I read all the responses to my last post about two weeks after I posted it. Glad I waited till I was in the right frame of mind. Most of it was a hatful diatribe and it was painful to read. That said all of your thoughts are valid and we all deserve respect, even though much of what was shared was cause by disinformation. It was gritty, real and honest, I let it all sink in. I posted to listen, not to talk. I heard you loud and clear. So respectfully, I wanted to offer a couple of responses before I move on to the final thought.
I was on the ramp with Carl Paladino and Donald Trump, Carl chose me to control access to the stage, we are friends. Tom King was right there with me. His intentionally glossed over point of not publicly attending was to protect our pending court cases. Of course the absolute impeccable logic was wasted on haters, so lost in the noise was the TRUTH of his statements. Activists memes were being used against US in court by the Bloomberg's of the world to marginalize, painting our pro liberty movement as inhabited by lunatics, using us to further restrict our rights! I SAW THE COURT DOCS! Tom King is ALWAYS standing tall, the adult in the room.
...AS for the sad day Scalia died we had no choice but to withdraw OUR CASE, YOU THINK WE WERE HAPPY ABOUT IT?
And the ARM CHAIR analysis that this set precedent is exactly wrong, ass backward. WE Did NOT set precedent, that's why we CHOSE to withdrawal!, so the fight could continue another day, under more favorable conditions! I think we have more favorable conditions now, right?
Thank you Tom King for fighting and winning President Donald J. Trump that time critical endorsement of the Board of Directors at the NRA in 2014, the earliest presidential endorsement EVER by the NRA. Thank Trump for THREE S.C. Justices seated. Thank the NRA and Wayne for 2010, 2014 and 2016 GOP Victories in which NRA and Wayne and Tom King were in lock step and critical to our victories.........I would rather you just said thank you, and went about your day....
I hope this post is better recieved than the last.
I hope to hear from you about your thoughts on NYSRPA vs Bruen
Our latest case...You know, the one we "do nothings" at have once again brought all the way to our nations highest court....
New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen - Wikipedia
Peace and please keep a good thought in your heart for us all!
Sincerely yours,
Carl Gottstein,
Editor Bullet Magazine.
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