20×102mm Vulcan
What does NYSRPA do?
I've got the latest issue (April 2022, received in late May) of Bullet Magazine in front of me. On the cover, "Lee Zeldin For Governor of New York" before the friggin' primary! There's a letter from Tom King that has a lot of words, but says nothing. It starts with, "Friends: What will it take to fire up the outdoor sports and shooting communities...." Perhaps NRA Board member King missed the meetings where the budgets for shooting sports and education activities were slashed and burned like an Amazon rain forest. Try calling NRA to schedule a sanctioned match - it ain't pretty. You know what also got sportsmen and shooters involved? The rallies in Albany that Tom King had a change of heart over participating in.
Next, lets look at There are 4 posts on the home screen.
- Jan 5, 2022 - Join Tom King at the Albany Gun Show.
- March 2, 2022 - Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah (a little late on that one!
- March 2, 2022 - Reelect Tom King NRA Board of Directors - a link to Bullet Magazine.
- May 19, 2022 - A link to the April Bullet Magazine with a front cover plug for Zeldin, and again, a little late. Not a lot going on in the 2A Dept. in NY I guess.
I spoke with (or at?) Tom King two times. First was at a gun show. He was standing by himself at a table with an NYSRPA banner, making no effort to engage with the people walking by. I introduced myself and thanked him for coming and got a confused look with a combination mumble and grunt in return. The second time was at the Lobby Day in Albany when LaPierre came to speak. I saw Tom sanding in the hallway to the Well and again introduced myself and thanked him - and got the same confused look and mumbly grunt in return. To say I am unimpressed with the man and his PR abilities is an understatement.
While we're at it @Carl Gottstein , care to address the large salary increase Tom gave to himself? Or hiring his daughter to print the Bullet Magazine? I'd love to see the other bids NYSRPA got for that contract - oh yeah, there weren't any others.
I would love to be set straight on this!
I've got the latest issue (April 2022, received in late May) of Bullet Magazine in front of me. On the cover, "Lee Zeldin For Governor of New York" before the friggin' primary! There's a letter from Tom King that has a lot of words, but says nothing. It starts with, "Friends: What will it take to fire up the outdoor sports and shooting communities...." Perhaps NRA Board member King missed the meetings where the budgets for shooting sports and education activities were slashed and burned like an Amazon rain forest. Try calling NRA to schedule a sanctioned match - it ain't pretty. You know what also got sportsmen and shooters involved? The rallies in Albany that Tom King had a change of heart over participating in.
Next, lets look at There are 4 posts on the home screen.
- Jan 5, 2022 - Join Tom King at the Albany Gun Show.
- March 2, 2022 - Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah (a little late on that one!

- March 2, 2022 - Reelect Tom King NRA Board of Directors - a link to Bullet Magazine.
- May 19, 2022 - A link to the April Bullet Magazine with a front cover plug for Zeldin, and again, a little late. Not a lot going on in the 2A Dept. in NY I guess.
I spoke with (or at?) Tom King two times. First was at a gun show. He was standing by himself at a table with an NYSRPA banner, making no effort to engage with the people walking by. I introduced myself and thanked him for coming and got a confused look with a combination mumble and grunt in return. The second time was at the Lobby Day in Albany when LaPierre came to speak. I saw Tom sanding in the hallway to the Well and again introduced myself and thanked him - and got the same confused look and mumbly grunt in return. To say I am unimpressed with the man and his PR abilities is an understatement.
While we're at it @Carl Gottstein , care to address the large salary increase Tom gave to himself? Or hiring his daughter to print the Bullet Magazine? I'd love to see the other bids NYSRPA got for that contract - oh yeah, there weren't any others.
I would love to be set straight on this!

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