What makes the honey badger different from other A.R. pistols?
And the ATF is who now?
Exactly right!That would be the Executive Branch agency controlled by POTUS who, like many of said agencies, write rules and regulations which act as federal "laws" in the absence of the Legislative Branch doing their fucking job.
Or, in the case of bumpstocks, actually *contravening* federal law via "interpretations"- as explicitly directed by POTUS.
I am not falmilur with this gun, BUT truthfully is it on the razors edge like the new tac13 and other sawed off shot guns flirting with trouble and the classifications .I am not saying its correct what they done I am just curious is this something we seen coming and like the small shot guns we were waiting for them to take a stance
It feels like this is to test the waters and see the outrage. I smell yet another flip flop decision on the braces coming.
I would bet more like internal politics.I see it as "see what shit we can get away with while everyone is distracted."
I also see it (and the bumpstock thing) as a dry run for if the Dems take the house and senate but not the white house and pass a national AR registration. Because Trumpy will sign that shit if they put it on his desk.
Man, isn't that my luck. Just before I get to a state where I can build one of these without a stupid pistol permit, the ATF goes and changes their definitions again. I was planning to use a Shockwave Blade.
This is the reason I feel like it's testing the waters. This can stay more out of the public eye if it doesn't make it to the courts.Also Q being such a small company they have less resources to fight off the ATF/IRS, they would be an easy target
ATF opinions are not laws.
This is the reason I feel like it's testing the waters. This can stay more out of the public eye if it doesn't make it to the courts.
I get that, but interestingly enough KAK Industries links to their ATF approval letter for their Shockwave blade are 404. SHOCKBut its currently only they Honey Badger (and maybe the sugar weasel/mini flex)
I get that, but interestingly enough KAK Industries links to their ATF approval letter for their Shockwave blade are 404. SHOCK
Not sure if that is related or just coincidence.