Marine Cpl
.577 Tyrannosaur.
Haha. Yes it's bullshit. I call your internet words bullshit then. See how that goes both ways? I would make the same point to you in person at a dinner table or at a bar but it's internet bullshit. Okay. Sure.Not my Country. I do not care what they do and don't do in other Nations. I do not want, nor do I need, citizens of Other County's getting involved in our laws, rules or our regulations.
As for the crazy statement about never would have happened if the agents of the State had not gotten involved, I call BS, if he would have followed the laws of his Country, he would not have been jammed up.
The other crazy statement about Laws are only there if they are enforced, again, I call BS.
So many Hypocrite's in this cyber space. Some that are saying police should not do there job, are probably the first ones to actually call them
Internet bullshit sounds like a scapegoat when you don't like the responses.
But yes. Laws aren't laws unless there are people willing to enforce them. Here's an example for you. Adultery. It's a felony in some states and a misdemeanor in others that is still on the books. Is it a law if no cop ever enforces it?