.338 Win Mag
I'd start going around syphoning all the gas out of every car that's abandoned and dead before the whole area tries to. Then I'd get my shit in order near the back door and wait and see what really happens for awhile...
Assuming this is a true SHTF TEOWAWKI scenario, I'm making my stand where I am. Family farm with most of what me and my loved ones would need is right here. Problem is we're too close to NY Shitty for my liking. I could see an exodus of man-bun, jort wearing hipsters flocking up from Brooklyn trying to escape the carnage. I'm a good shot but even a lion can be taken down by a pack of jackals.
Assuming this is a true SHTF TEOWAWKI scenario, I'm making my stand where I am. Family farm with most of what me and my loved ones would need is right here. Problem is we're too close to NY Shitty for my liking. I could see an exodus of man-bun, jort wearing hipsters flocking up from Brooklyn trying to escape the carnage. I'm a good shot but even a lion can be taken down by a pack of jackals.
Gawllee.....look at the size of the clipazine!Like the guys?
You'd see a pretty wild realignment of who looked up to who, that's for sure. Celebrities wouldn't be of interest to anyone. Suddenly the local boys with the cows and diesel tractors sans electronics would be famous.
What a wild ride.
Famous or a primary target. Same thing really
Exactly what i was thinking. But, id also get bugout bags ready, and start packing more long term items if time permitted. If cars worked id get the family moved to bugout location.break out the radio and find the emergency broadcast channel, listen for instructions and then decide what to do.
It seems like a serious conversation can not be had here. I will not share my ideas!
If it's a power outage, you have to play that by ear. If it's an EMP, you need to react immediately.
The cash on hand is an awesome thing. Stores will still be open for a couple of days. Many people have zero clue.I have a few months worth of dry beans and pasta along with instant oatmeal. If something like an EMP which is almost permanent, the first thing I will do is secure my loved ones and go buy as many canned goods as I can.
The stores are run by sheeple who will gladly sell you the cans thinking that the power will be back on tomorrow.
Checklist to add. A thousand dollars in small bills to the stash.
Yep. And go up to that guy behind you on line and offer him an astronomical amount to buy his cart from him. He'll take the worthless money.The cash on hand is an awesome thing. Stores will still be open for a couple of days. Many people have zero clue.
When gong to the store, be armed heavy!
Well hopefully you have enough. My goal is to accumulate enough to last me a year of having 2 meals a day. Going to the store on that first day would be worth it to me though.I don't know. I'd have a good mind to stay away from stores and popoluation centers all together. Just getting to the store could prove fatal. Imagine the road rage when traffic control devices are not working and people are starting to panic. Nevermind the dog eat dog shit show of people panic buying at the store.
I don't know. I'd have a good mind to stay away from stores and popoluation centers all together. Just getting to the store could prove fatal. Imagine the road rage when traffic control devices are not working and people are starting to panic. Nevermind the dog eat dog shit show of people panic buying at the store.
Yep. Slim Jim's, jerky, potatoes chips, energy bars, ect.Store doesn't mean price chopper. Your local convenience / country store will have stuff. In the event of an emp remember, there won't be many cars out.
Yep. Slim Jim's, jerky, potatoes chips, energy bars, ect.
I'm convinced that absent an actual situation like in the movies: virus, zombies, aliens, rapture... people will not turn savage as quickly as doomsday people tend to think. Of those examples, only a crazy virus or aliens are in any way realistic (yes, I mean that about aliens, it can happen).
Everywhere in the world people have faced some sort of disaster situation in their lives. Depending on the location, geography, national issues, etc, populations have experienced different situations, but overall, most humans have dealt with some sort of short-term bad situation without resorting immediately to savagery. Especially if communication was limited, it would take a few days to a week even in what will soon become a long-term event for people to realize this and start getting desperate. And like I said before, if vehicles are working, that extends the amount of time before savagery because goods will still be delivered and people will still be able to move around independently.
Now, wake up to a zombie apocalypse, 85% of the local populace dead due to a crazy plague virus, or an alien ship hovering a city and more than likely people will react crazily pretty quickly due to sensory overload. I'm fine with that. In some ways, it is even preferable because then being armed up means not only has a lot of your competition already disappeared, but we few can make quite a bit more disappear easily without much repercussion. Any event that you survive while most of your competition for resources has already been killed off is much more preferable to a grid failure that leaves everyone alive but the means of production halted long term. That's way worse.