Now's the time for every one of us to change our voter registration to dem. Voting in this presidential primary could be effective. Our votes in NY don't count because of the city, but our primary votes do count.
Already did. Check the fine print on that though- I was prevented from voting in the governor primary because I switched in the same calendar year as the primary or some such shit.
You’re crazy. People will vote for him. Nobody cares about uncle joe.It. Doesn't. Fucking. Matter. Nobody is going to vote for Beto. He certainly won't win the primary, nor get very far. He wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of beating Trump.
The most viable candidate the democrats have is Biden, whom hasn't even declared his candidacy yet, and Trump would annihilate him.
The democrats have no viable candidates! The democrat party has completely alienated every single voting block outside radical left SJW types.
You can't just take the the costal metropolitan areas, you need to take the middle too. And that ship is sailing ever faster from the democrats.
Thanks to the "Green New Deal" even the AFL-CIO is turning against them. If the democrats lose the unions what do they have? Bunch of echo chamber dwelling brats playing with play-doh. Not enough of them, spread over enough electoral votes anyway, to matter.
Don't talk to me about voter fraud, that much fraud just can't go unnoticed. The democrat party might actually splinter into center left and radical left parties. Then against a unified Republican party both would be totally fucked.
The biggest problem we have is not with the democrats but with weak kneed, incompetent, and traitorous Republicans. We need to keep voting the RINOs out. Progress has been made on this front.
She doesn't have a chance in a general election.It won't be those guys. It will be Kamala "Knees" Harris and Corey Booker on the Dem ticket. Harris to get the women's and the Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and the CA libtard voters, and Booker for the blacks who always vote 90+% Democrat.
Well I really hope trump does win, but we all know how dirty shit is getting, voter fraud, illegals voting, it’s BAD! It’s scary. You could see how bad it was in 2016 and it’s even worse in 2018. 2020 is going to be a shitshow.She doesn't have a chance in a general election.
Booker is a vegan. Most people hate vegans.
Seriously though, Kamala may possibly get the nomination but Trump would tear her apart.
Normie Americans want two things that are more important than anything else: peace and prosperity. Trump is delivering both.
I used to despise Trump, thought he was a typical NYC pompous ass. Well he may still be a pompous ass but I have never seen any President accomplish as much as Trump has.
He is actually delivering on his campaign promises. I can't even belive the the headway he has helped create with North Korea. North Korean enmity has been a given for as long as most of us have been alive and to think that even something as formerly unthinkable as Korean Unification may occur in my lifetime.
@Dayten when East and West Germany were reunited, to see the Berlin Wall torn down on TV, that was really something to see. I hope we can see it happen in Korea now too. I was shocked and impressed when Tump pulled out of Syria and I am especially amazed that Trump has been able to get concessions out of Xi Jinping to deliver on the promise of rebalancing trade with China and with our other trading partners as well. Things are actually going well under this administration. After 8 years of the tyrannical pansy ass obama, 8 years of Bush Jr's bumbling warmongering, 8 years of philandering clinton's poisonous liberal agenda and his egregious AWB. And what did we have before that? A crony capitalist, gun banning, warmongering Bush Sr, and that idiot peanut farmer Carter. Frankly the last president that was actually good for the Nation was Thedore Roosevelt. I'll not put Trump on the same level as Teddy though.
In any case my point is that in the last election I voted against hillary. In this election I will be voting for Trump.
In 2016 we were on the brink of war in Syria, Iran and possibly even Russia! In 2016 we were unemployed, over regulated, broke as a joke. And a laughing stock in the international community. In 2020 we are richer, more secure, we have regained our pride and the western world is undergoing a resurgence of Nationalism and Conservatism. The democrats have nothing to offer but hollow SJW, racist platitudes and failed economic and social policy. The world is slowly awakening to the sham of "progressive" globalism. And there will be hell to pay when it does.Well I really hope trump does win, but we all know how dirty shit is getting, voter fraud, illegals voting, it’s BAD! It’s scary. You could see how bad it was in 2016 and it’s even worse in 2018. 2020 is going to be a shitshow.
Reunification was a financial disaster for the Germans. The East Germans we so poor that the west had to rebuild just about everything and the people were given all kinds of social benefits over and above what the west Germans were getting.
North Korea is not going to reunify with the south unless the south comes under Kim’s control. It will take 10s of billions to build up North Korea to western standards. I am sure that bill will be laid on our table to pay.
I am not concerned about any of the announced candidates on the dems side. There is even a Dem billionaire that is seriously considering an independent run for the White House, which will be great news for Trump. He will easily win re-election if that happens.
I was there when the wall came down. Everyone was excited until the truth of how much it was going to cost and impact the lives of the westerners. There is still a large portion of the German population that wishes it never happened. Reunification is a civil war in the making. Only time will tell.Of course it was a massive financial burden to the West Germans. Doesn't mean it wasn't a great thing, the right thing to do. The country regained its prosperity quickly. The South Koreans know what is ahead should reunification occur. They will persevere like the Germans did because like then it is the right thing to do. Time to abolish the last Phantom Remnant of the Cold War. Ultimately it's their buisness. I am simply impressed that Trump actually got the ball rolling after what I assumed to be mere sabre rattling.
Bernie raised 6 mil in 24 hours, all Rober Francis O’rourks fund raising says is, a fool and their money are soon parted.Also Beto raised 80mill. When a he ran from senate... that says a lot.
That's probably the funniest thing about the last election. How much did hillary spend on campaign ads? Vs Trump. He spent fairly little, got must of his buzz via social media.Bernie raised 6 mil in 24 hours, all Rober Francis O’rourks fund raising says is, a fool and their money are soon parted.
OHHH YESSS, YOU CAUGHT ME!Dayten. Why are you obsessed with this guy. Do you find him attractive?
C’mon kid. Get your head out of your ass. His dog would make a better candidate.OHHH YESSS, YOU CAUGHT ME!
Maybe because of how popular he is with people... because of his fan base. Connect the dots pal.
C’mon kid. Get your head out of your ass. His dog would make a better candidate.
I’ll bet one of y’all $20 bucks that he wins primary for democrats, if I’m right one of you owe me 20. Via PayPal, who wants to bet?Dayten. Why are you obsessed with this guy. Do you find him attractive?
I'm your Huckleberry. You better not renege. I know your name, what you look like, and where you live.I’ll bet one of y’all $20 bucks that he wins primary for democrats, if I’m write one of you owe me 20. Via PayPal, who wants to bet?
You’re on, And it’s , if I’m “RIGHT” not “write.” There’s that B’ville education for ya.I’ll bet one of y’all $20 bucks that he wins primary for democrats, if I’m write one of you owe me 20. Via PayPal, who wants to bet?
Huckelberry 2 right here.I’ll bet one of y’all $20 bucks that he wins primary for democrats, if I’m write one of you owe me 20. Via PayPal, who wants to bet?
The biggest problem we have is not with the democrats but with weak kneed, incompetent, and traitorous Republicans. We need to keep voting the RINOs out. Progress has been made on this front.