20×102mm Vulcan
All Trump has to do is when they try to play got ya ... Is claim he is under a gag order and cannot answer in fear of being sent to prison... Let the public see how much the boot is on Trumps neck ...I'm so incredibly sour on this event. With the rules set by 'them', Trump has agreed to show up at a gun fight with a rubberband and paperclip.
I don't see any way possible Trump can pull a MacGyver and get out of this debacle unscathed. They can mute him whenever they want. The turnip in chief has the questions in hand for a week already, holed up and programming him. The questions to Trump will obviously be nothing but traps no matter what he says. And all this while not even knowing how long the delay will be for them to doctor any faux pas the turnip regurgitates.
Let's take another step in a different direction. On July 11th, the day of reckoning takes place. Trump gets sentenced to prison. They finally announce the eggplant isn't medically fit to run. This debate becomes moot.