For Biden Inc this is a business decision; for Obama Inc this is an ideological effort.
Once you see the strings on the Marionettes it is impossible to watch the pantomime and not see them. The leftist narrative for the 2022 election is based on racism and the false construct of white violent extremists. That’s the entire purpose of the January 6th commission effort. All of these manipulative soundbites are fuel for the MSM propaganda machine to churn out.
Today, exactly as expected, Biden reads the script typed into his teleprompter by the Obama network.
(a short but good read folks )
Folks we are in a age of destruction. ... The left is working to destroy economic activity .. One only has to look at what they are willing to destroy in the name of global warming.. .. Everything that powers our economic engine ... Look how tight the hand of the left was in handling this covid 19 situation. . Shut down everything.. Think how they handled this. Print money to kill our economy. Hyper inflation will kill our economy We will not be able to keep up .
Now the left wants to further this destruction by trying to start a race war. .. Just look at all the dots .. 1619 project, BLM,' critical race theory .. Throw in hyper inflation ... Now more than ever it is important to pay attention to the events around you. What happened in Portland will become normal ...
Just being in the cities could be a huge mistake. .. Pray that I am wrong. Laws will be passed to disarm the white population. .. This is one of the key issues to look for. Any slight and you are a racist and you will be charged with a hate crime. This state (NY ) mind you .... hate crime is a felony
That's all the democrats have left. They certainly can't run on any economic platform. This is dangerous territory. If they are looking to start a race war this is the way to go.
White Supremacy is assured as the White Population of the United States is still hovering around 60%...
But for the POTUS to directly step into the frey of identity and racial politics with such abandon clearly exhibits his detached cognitive function.
Simply amazing!
They want it... But they won't be able to handle it if it happens! (Race War)... Or will that then be used to promulgate the agenda of disarming the american populace? Whatever... This guy is obviously off his rockers! I left to wonder if he won't suffer a fate I assumed would befall the 1/2 Black POTUS but despite all the proclamation of how racists we are, not even an attempt was made in 8 years! So their logic is failed, but is designed purely and primarily to promote an agenda! Take your fucking white shaming elsewhere.
They may want to start a race war, but what they will get is a class war.
I'm not going to hate black people because they were riled up by the political elite.