.450/400 Nitro Ex

Chuck Callesto
BREAKING REPORT: 30-Year-Old Crypto Firm Co-Founder Tiantian Kullander DIES SUDDENLY in His Sleep.. -GWP
Buffets rule, don't invest in anything that doesn't produce somethingIt is not like people didnt get plenty of warnings years ago.
listen carefully...
the DOLLAR is based on nothing but faith, we have no gold to back itCrypto is pegged to nothing but faith. Faith in users using it and gaining more users. The more users the greater the value. Anyone can see that Crypto is a scam because as soon as the stock market goes down, the crypto user bails back to dollars time and time again. If the global economy is failing, and it is, and crypto is a legit currency (can be) why bail on it? It should gain in value not decline. Those in Crypto are playing a game of musical chairs. All fun and games until the music stops and you have so seat of safety. So who controls the music? Any crypto investor ask themselves that question? lol Its gambling and nothing more. FTX and its crypto FTT exposed the entire scam. Some made it by gaining hard assets but they all got there the exact same way. FTX didn't make it and got caught. That's why the story is gone. G-O-N-E LMAO
Once the digital Dollar and Euro roll out, they will be pegged to nothing. Just like any other crypto currency except they each will instantly have hundreds of millions of users for which to derive their value from. Accepted everywhere instantly. There is your faith. This will save them from BRICS plus. Well, for a while anyway.
And some believe its all about tracking people. LMAO
the DOLLAR is based on nothing but faith, we have no gold to back it
ya, maybe for another year, unless we can cancel biden, but China is looking to take over, and biden is helping themCorrect. The dollar is a fiat currency. However, it is backed by the good faith of the US gov't and its strength in international trade. In addition, it is considered a petro dollar. Therefore it is accepted worldwide.
Not quite the same as crypto currency.
Correct. The dollar is a fiat currency. However, it is backed by the good faith of the US gov't and its strength in international trade. In addition, it is considered a petro dollar. Therefore it is accepted worldwide.
Not quite the same as crypto currency.
No. The dollar is back by the petro dollar. Any nation buying oil from OPEC needs a U.S. dollar to buy it. Nations need to have USD on hand and they get it through direct trade with the U.S., Trade with other nations who deal in USD only and the larger nations like China buy US debt and hold large quantities on cash. The U.S. annually has to borrow money to cover the budget. Guess who they borrow money from? No doubt everyone has heard this but maybe don't understand why anyone would buy US debt or loan USD back to the U.S.. That's a longer discussion and one I am not getting into. Plenty of online resources to go to for that.the DOLLAR is based on nothing but faith, we have no gold to back it
Ghiana <sp> announced last week that they will be buying Saudi oil with gold, not US dollars. I think in the next few months, we will be seeing more and more countries move away from the petro-dollar and toward gold. Or worse, toward the chinese Yen, or whatever they call their dollarNo. The dollar is back by the petro dollar. Any nation buying oil from OPEC needs a U.S. dollar to buy it. Nations need to have USD on hand and they get it through direct trade with the U.S., Trade with other nations who deal in USD only and the larger nations like China buy US debt and hold large quantities on cash. The U.S. annually has to borrow money to cover the budget. Guess who they borrow money from? No doubt everyone has heard this but maybe don't understand why anyone would buy US debt or loan USD back to the U.S.. That's a longer discussion and one I am not getting into. Plenty of online resources to go to for that.
BRICS plus contains nations that supply the world with food, oil, gas and minerals all trade now in USD. So CBDC soon to be issued is to counter BRICS. That and of course the race for green energy. All makes sense now doesn't it? Not a word on ANY cable network.
Yep. I have mentioned this several times in this forum. BRICS Plus is the threat they are not telling us about because it highlights the hegemony that has been created by the global elites in and effort to control the world. The manipulation of the dollar in controlling economies around the world and exporting our inflation in order to print more money.Ghiana <sp> announced last week that they will be buying Saudi oil with gold, not US dollars. I think in the next few months, we will be seeing more and more countries move away from the petro-dollar and toward gold. Or worse, toward the chinese Yen, or whatever they call their dollar
Yep. I have mentioned this several times in this forum. BRICS Plus is the threat they are not telling us about because it highlights the hegemony that has been created by the global elites in and effort to control the world. The manipulation of the dollar in controlling economies around the world and exporting our inflation in order to print more money.
They dismissed BRICS when it was first created but BRICS is in a position now to dethrone the dollar and the only choice is a rush to green energy, a digital currency pegged to nothing but faith and user numbers or WW3. China dump a trillion dollars in US debt it owned this past summer. The table is being set.
Iraq just cut a deal with Russia and China for their oil. I say we will see a BRICS digital currency in 24 months or less. Usage of it between members states at first and then expanded. Turkey, a NATO member, has expressed interest in joining BRICS. Shit just got serious. Saudi Arabia is joining, Indonesia, Iran, Argentina and Algeria have filed for membership.
The decline of the dollar is here. Italy, Germany and France no longer sending weapons to Ukraine. BRICS will control the mojority of comodities the world needs. The EU likely will now express interest in Putin security plan and the honoring of the minks agreement. Well played by Putin and Xi. While the elites culturally burned down everything in the U.S. to get rid of Trump, they exposed themselves, their fake narratives and presented their opposition the opportunity.
I still say these globalists would rather rule over ashes than the concede defeat. Hope I am wrong but they are building straw men as we speak.
And you in vest in?
With what I have invested I'm well diversified as I should be at my age. lol Keeping cash on the sideline for sure but always looking for a way to hedge. With the dollar dominance to be challenged, maybe I'll have to look at trading currencies. Don't know much about it but I am learning. You?And you invest in???
I have multiple mutual funds. I'm thinking of entertaining the idea of rolling one over to a silver/gold IRA.With what I have invested I'm well diversified as I should be at my age. lol Keeping cash on the sideline for sure but always looking for a way to hedge. With the dollar dominance to be challenged, maybe I'll have to look at trading currencies. Don't know much about it but I am learning. You?