John Stark
.44 mag
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Some Highlights:
"US officials are studying ways they might temporarily expand Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. coverage to all deposits, a move sought by a coalition of banks arguing that it’s needed to head off a potential financial crisis."
"Treasury Department staff are reviewing whether federal regulators have enough emergency authority to temporarily insure deposits greater than the current $250,000 cap on most accounts" without formal consent from a deeply divided Congress... and goes on to note that "authorities don’t yet view such a move as necessary, especially after regulators took steps this month to help banks keep up with any demands for withdrawals" which is an important caveat"
"Well, there's always printing. According to Bloomberg, one legal framework under discussion for expanding FDIC insurance would use the Treasury Department’s authority to take emergency action and lean on the Exchange Stabilization Fund. The same magical Exchange Stabilization Fund which the Treasury is already using to backstop its latest bank bailout facility, the Bank Term Funding Program, or BTFP.
Here too there is a small problem: that ESF pot of money is used to buy or sell currencies and to provide financing to foreign governments. A bigger problem: the ESF only has $25 billion currently in it as parts of its BTFP backstop.... but it has to do, as it is the only pot of money under the full authority of Janet Yellen, with other spending and financing under the jurisdiction of Congress."
"Any mechanism using the ESF as a bailout mechanism uses the cash from the fund as a first-loss equity tranche to which the Fed then applies leverage. LOTS of leverage, because if authorities plan on backstopping the $18 trillion in total US deposits, the Fed will need to cover the difference... of some $17.975 trillion (unless Congress reaches a bipartisan deal to infuse more capital in the ESF, the same way the ESF was expanded to $500BN during the covid crisis..."
"Finally, such a program will likely have to also be the result of an executive order since it has little hope of passing in Congress where members of both the left and right will be vehemently against it."
“Any universal guarantee on all bank deposits, whether implicit or explicit, enshrines a dangerous precedent that simply encourages future irresponsible behavior to be paid for by those not involved who followed the rules,” the House Freedom Caucus said in a statement, "and we are confident most of the progressive wing will not be too excited about bailing out billionaires and corporations with orders of magnitude more in the bank than the FDIC limit."
There is no doubt that the House controls the purse strings, even though our "representatives" have proven themselves over the last number of decades to be nothing more than carnival barkers when it comes to wielding their power for the good of our nation. This a fundamental, game-breaking point of Constitutional and governmental order that would smash our system of government forever.
The very notion that the Fed (a criminal banking cartel) and the Feds (our so-called national government composed mostly of corrupt "officials" and "public servants") are "studying" (read: seriously considering) the idea of guaranteeing EVERY deposit of EVERY depositor in EVERY bank, to the tune of $18,000,000,000,000 (Yes, 18 TRILLION), indicates several things:
-The "contagion" is worse than they want to admit.
-That these people are freaking nuts.
-That we're looking at inflation WAY beyond what we're already seeing, given that the only way to do this will be to hit print 18 trillion times on the printing press, of have someone in the Federal Reserve hold their finger on the zero key for awhile.
-That the "powers that be" might finally and irrevocably break the US Constitution if (probably when) they do this by an executive order from President Pudding Pop, rather than an Act of Congress. We would in essence be nothing more than a dictatorship, with all vestiges of what our Founders designed and passed on to their posterity blown away in a hurricane of despotism.
-That EVEN IF Congress "properly" voted to do this, everyone would have to finally admit that our Nation is not just insolvent, but is a complete and total banana Republic with absolutely no moral or political authority at all.
The FACT that this is even being "studied" is crazier than having a shit house rat for your family pet!!!
If they do this, FUSA turns into Venezuela in very short order.
If that is not game on for the average American citizen, I don't know what is.
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