.475 A&M Magnum
You guys are better than Bing and Bob.
Now cut that out. You know how I hate it when you get all weepy and wimpy!All kidding aside, 1911guy is one of my heroes - and I am lucky to be able to call him 'acquaintance'. I have to insult him, I can't outshoot him. He's the kind of guy you could spend several days with in a remote deer camp, - and you wouldn't be thinking - "where can I bury the body?" -- The only thing I can say bad about him - he wasn't born twins. He is a man of integrity - there is no higher compliment I can pay a man....just saying.
BARF!How sweet?!?! Lol View attachment 29537
All kidding aside, 1911guy is one of my heroes - and I am lucky to be able to call him 'acquaintance'. I have to insult him, I can't outshoot him. He's the kind of guy you could spend several days with in a remote deer camp, - and you wouldn't be thinking - "where can I bury the body?" -- The only thing I can say bad about him - he wasn't born twins. He is a man of integrity - there is no higher compliment I can pay a man....just saying.
Magic beans trump a 308 any day. What a deal. Thanks @wizrdI've got my magic beans out for tonight's drawing, - they don't help you win -- but if 1911guy wins tonight - I'll just trade him three sackfuls of magic beans for that Browning .308. I told you earlier, his head has softened up from mistakenly using fabric softener instead of conditioner. Good Luck to everyone for tonight's drawing -- get yer mojo working. View attachment 29744
How sweet?!?! Lol View attachment 29537
But I have the last laugh because I now have the beans!1911guy won't tell you this - but a couple of years ago, - he traded me an older Browning Citori Lightening for three sacks of these magic beans -- remember, I told you he was a good guy, - not a smart guy.
@Glen b.It was a local guy who bought several tickets. Lots of days left, - keep the faith, Glenn. Good luck to all.
If I am wrong, I will give back your beans.6/21winner might be from this forum - not sure - but they did buy a ticket from me thru the mail - they happen to live next door to HighlandLofts son in Harpursville NY. Maybe he turned them on to the gun raffle. Good Luck for the remaining 10 days. -- 'cept for tonight - me & 1911guy shared the last ticket sold - and we are due to win tonight. That's what 1911guy says -
Are you predicting the future winner of the raffle on 6/21? If not, being it is 6/21 and still in the afternoon, there was no winner for that date yet.6/21winner might be from this forum - not sure - but they did buy a ticket from me thru the mail - they happen to live next door to HighlandLofts son in Harpursville NY. Maybe he turned them on to the gun raffle. Good Luck for the remaining 10 days. -- 'cept for tonight - me & 1911guy shared the last ticket sold - and we are due to win tonight. That's what 1911guy says -
Ahh, but wait. If I'm wrong I will share some of my beans with you.Are you predicting the future winner of the raffle on 6/21? If not, being it is 6/21 and still in the afternoon, there was no winner for that date yet.
wizrd has gone home or who knows where in six members cars from the gun club so far this year, but he is improving. Last year he took 9 cars by the end of May.Day ahead of time - meant to say -- 6/20 -- sometimes old retired guys lose track of time, dates, cars, etc.
You are guaranteed some beans, Glen.I thought the fix was supposed to be in - shouldn't I have won already!