John Stark
.44 mag
He let them? They came after him like no man in modern history. They impeached him twice. Both based on a lie. The appointment of a special prosecutor who was hand picked by the very person involved in the soft coup kept Trump from being able to do anything. If he fired them, it was “obstruction “ remember? At would give them legal grounds to impeach and imprison him even if he was innocent of whatever they would come up with.
He was undercut right from the beginning before he knew how they played the game — go see Comey’s interview about Mike Flynn. The RINOs had betrayed Trump when he attempted to make peace with the establishment. He knows better now.
Poor baby billionaire Donny Trump. My heart bleeds for the guy.
This is the smart, savvy billionaire who held YUGE rallies all over the country talking about how he was the right man for the times, that as a Big Business billionaire he had first hand experience dealing with both the system and the scum who work it, and admitting that he played the bribery and kickback game known as political "donations" because he "knew it was the only way to do business" in a corrupt system of quid pro quo. The same guy that got the masses chanting lock her up, and as soon as he won the election came out and said that the Clinton's are really good people and he wasn't going to go after them. The same guy who said he understood how big the swamp was, and that he was going to drain it.
Now what we're supposed to believe is that he was ambushed by a "unfair, very unfair" system that lied about him and played dirty political and legal tricks on him.
This is the same savvy guy who IN FACT came out of nowhere and brilliantly initiated a hostile takeover of not only the the Republican party to beat all comers for the nomination, but also the Hilldog in the general election for the White House, right? I watched him take over the system in real time, and applauded him for it and voted for him because of it, so I'm no shrinking violet or Trump snowflake. I even voted for the asshole the second time around to keep Biden out, though it gagged me to do so.
The guy had political acumen out the ass, but its always poor, poor Deceived Donny. Betrayed by Brutus eh?
The same guy that was so politically savvy, who built casinos, hotels, and golf clubs all over the world and knew how to do business, didn't understand that "personnel is policy" before shining the presidential chair with his ass?
When Bubba Clinton got into the White House, just about one of the first thing he did (just before lining himself up for a BJ in the Oval) was fire every US Attorney and the head of the FBI. What did Deceived Donny do? He fired Comey, and gave us.... Christopher fucking Ray, while letting that shit weasel Jeff Sessions run the table on him through the DOJ. All while praising the FIB agents who were running Crossfire Hurricane on his ass.
Maybe if he wasn't so savvy, he'd have known to clean house BEFORE they pulled a Nixon on him? Hmmm.
So savvy he punked out! He didn't have any balls after all, and his time in the Oval was more important to his ego than actually addressing the stuff he claimed he was going to address.
He surrounded himself with people he knew would betray him, but he's a victim? Meanwhile, he was unlawfully allowing his own fucking family members handle domestic and foreign policy matters even though they were NOT appointed officials or confirmed in any way by Congress.
He could have fired LOTS of traitors and turncoats before Russia, Russia, Russia really got rolling.
He was, at best, incompetent and blinkered, and at worst, complicit; going along to get along for his own political purposes and benefit.
Another True Believer in the efficacy of the vax.Trump did get the vaccine made in record time. And he should take full credit for it. It saved many lives. Certain people absolutely needed it. It was the democrats vaccine mandate is the issue and Trump had nothing to do with the mandate
Lets start with the obvious. The vax never stopped transmission, and it was never a prophylactic. That is, it did not give immunization, it did not stop the spread, it did not lessen symptoms, and it did not serve as a cure. Even the fucking CDC has had to admit this. No one but mind numbed zombies believes anything about the vax lies.
Furthermore, Trump signed lots of orders that helped prime the pimp for the absolute panic that ensued. He blew billions and trillions on propping up the medical industry that was getting paid lots of extra money to make sure that WuFlu protocols were followed, which killed lots of people in hospitals and nursing homes. The money and the impetus from government does NOT absolve the man from helping the scam along in any way, shape, or form. He didn't need to institute a federal lockdown, because the governors had free reign, thanks to his recklessness or complicity, to do it themselves and violate the Rights of Americans all across the country without any action on his part against that. A large part of his job was to execute Executive authority to protect the American People against crime, lies, scams, and so on. He failed utterly and purposefully got behind the vax push that led to almost total nationwide mandates with hardly more than a tepid response from the "savvy" billionaire. He let Fauci and Birx fearmonger the entire nation on wall to wall TV for the entire, miserable last year of his administration.
That doesn't even touch the nation wide riots that everyone got to enjoy that he did almost nothing about, even though he was the Commander in Chief and had a duty to put that shit down, with force if necessary. Of course, he couldn't do that either, right? Because he lacked the authority?
No, because he had no control over his own military commanders, and he didn't have the balls to fire them either when he had the chance and certainly should have known better. The very same ball washing scum who are STILL generals and admirals to this day, who are gutting our military, have made our soldiers, seamen, marines, and pilots take a mandatory shot or be disgraced with discharge, and who are pushing fucking transfeaks to "maintain combat reediness." Those generals were Trump's generals long before President Pudding Pop made use of them.
ETA: (PS. Warpspeed was in the works before Deceived Donny was even in office. He didn't bring it to market in record time. He fell in line, like a good little boy.)
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