.950 JDJ
A elderly man died of a heart attack while the storm troopers watched.She most likely died of covid though.
A elderly man died of a heart attack while the storm troopers watched.She most likely died of covid though.
Disagree. Even if they move all of the trucks do you think the truckers will just go back to their jobs? Nope. Will they be able to get truckers to replace them? Nope. When this happens what will Trudeau do? He will have more pressure on him. He will use more force. Once he loses control that's all he will have left. He will destroy himself without the patriots getting violent.Well the people need to fight back, the time has come. Obviously they are being treated as Enemies of the State.
Disagree. Even if they move all of the trucks do you think the truckers will just go back to their jobs? Nope. Will they be able to get truckers to replace them? Nope. When this happens what will Trudeau do? He will have more pressure on him. He will use more force. Once he loses control that's all he will have left. He will destroy himself without the patriots getting violent.
Well the people need to fight back, the time has come. Obviously they are being treated as Enemies of the State.
One could only hope they were targeting Trudeau.
unconfirmed report
Sara A. Carter
Reports are the woman trampled by a Canadian horse patrol just died at the hospital ... #Trudeau #FreedomConvoyCanada
Ottawa Schutzstaffel begins its round up of dozens of terrorists so far.
Police arrest dozens of "Freedom Convoy" protesters in Ottawa, Canada
After a three-week, traffic-snarling siege of Ottawa, police have moved in to arrest protesters angry over the COVID-19 restrictions and tow away trucks.www.cbsnews.com
Look what they did to this old lady
I am not afraid woman arrested
protestor hit with rifle butt
Multiple reports indicate the elderly woman with the walker died after being trampledWhile it may seem sad, when you are yelling hold the line and you are fully aware that they have cavalry, you need to understand what is coming.
I think it is horrible what happened to her, this is not very different than the old man in Buffalo a couple years back.
She and others attempted to hold the line and she failed. She underestimated her foe. Do not charge artillery if you only have slingshots.
The police drove horses through a tightly packed crowd where people were pressed in against the horses. People could not retreat due to the compressed crowd.
That appears to be criminal negligence.
Initially the press release claimed the mounted officer used the horse to protect himself from a woman throwing a bicycle at them and issued a blurred photo of the walker. Lying assholes,Possibly, but none will be charged. Following orders. But, no one will take the responsibility for giving the orders.
Initially the press release claimed the mounted officer used the horse to protect himself from a woman throwing a bicycle at them and issued a blurred photo of the walker. Lying assholes,
Don't want to fight back? It's beyond time.Disagree. Even if they move all of the trucks do you think the truckers will just go back to their jobs? Nope. Will they be able to get truckers to replace them? Nope. When this happens what will Trudeau do? He will have more pressure on him. He will use more force. Once he loses control that's all he will have left. He will destroy himself without the patriots getting violent.
Putn's horse has a big cock .. turdman's horse has a pussy .. LMAO ..
Funny that was the first thing you noticed.
I know a former Erie County mounted sheriff. This is what the horses are trained for and this is the group drill the sheriffs do.
Depend on which end of the horse.being funny in what a big shit storm is coming
EXACTLY!!! Crispus Attucks AKA Michael Johnson was the first man to die in OUR American Revolutionary War.IMO, equal to:
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You don't drive a car or an animal that is hundreds of pounds of pure muscle through a crowd, and not be criminally negligent. This is assault. This is violence against the common man being carried out in the name of the state. This is tyranny.