Since you didn't want to listen to any of the videos and refuse to see the alt-right for what they are:
The first video says the center of the alt-rights view is not all races are equal.
The second video says the alt-right is identitarian movement (so basically the same shitty identity politics the left loves to use, just "right")
And the 3rd video says the alt-right should adopt ideas from Bernie Sanders on climate change.
And the article says Trump should champion universal healthcare.
Oh and I also forgot, they apologist for ISIS because they fucking hate Israel and Jews in general:
They are an anti-constitution piece of shit movement. Antifa and the Alt-right deserve each other.
I've listened to all their videos. I could write their scripts.
Seems like you're coming to it from a Ted Cruz boomer cuck perspective. Because the mainstream Republicans have such a wonderful alternative healthcare plan and pledging allegiance to Israel before even our own country is a requirement towards getting elected.
But more to the point, not all races are the same and any 5-year can observe this better than a cuck.
If you took a billion Europeans and moved them into China, wouldn't the Chinese have a valid right to complain that they are loosing their culture and being displaced? The same thing is happening here.
And in this multicultural society that has been foolishly forced upon us, where each invading group has an identity movement helping them avoid assimilation... we're finally getting a white identity movement fifty years too late to fight back.
With White Displacement then we're effectively over as America and the constitution won't mean shit because it was written by slave owners. Healthcare won't mean shit either because we'll have a Third World African-Arab level economy. There won't be any Middle Class and most of us will be dead, at least the non-cucked ones that might fight back. At least we'll all be equal, just not white men.
Anyway Loren, I'm right here and I'm as AltRight as they come. You'll be outvoted and your kids will be second class citizens in a third class country. But you'll still have the Republican party to cling to and constitution to cry over.
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