.45 acp
This topic came up on a Facebook post today and I'm curious how one would handle it in NY if they were to convert a pistol from one caliber to another since a gun's caliber is listed on the permit?
This topic came up on a Facebook post today and I'm curious how one would handle it in NY if they were to convert a pistol from one caliber to another since a gun's caliber is listed on the permit?
Upstate you have to check.If you're stuck in under NYCs licensing scheme, you probably have to worry about it. Upstate it doesn't matter (generally).
Look on dogs website they say they will not ship them to my zip code. I wanted the sig 320, but all conversion kits said I could not get one. So I passed on it.What if you have a modular Sig and have multiple caliber barrels. Do all of them need to be listed on the permit?
I believe you are correct. You aren't breaking any Criminal Penal Laws that hold a sentence like Criminal Possession of a Weapon.I'm sorry, but the weapon that is registered and on file is relative to the SERIAL #... If I change the caliber there is nothing at all illegal about it.
So, if I have a 4 cylinder engine in my car and decide to swap out to a V6 or V8, I need to re-register? Hmmmm...
I would love to see the inside of a courtroom on either one of those (NY)... As to re-registering, as with a vehicle, the re-registration would apply to the original condition and serial# at the time of purchase. Up and until accessories and barrels themselves are controlled and registered, it's nobody's business what I own, possess or use.
Have a nice day!
Penal law 400 says that you do.I did a forum search to see if a legal gun owner must register a new caliber for a handgun. With the increase in modular pistols it is now easier than ever to change a caliber while keeping the "same" gun. There still doesn't seem to much consensus about whether a new caliber for the same serial number needs to be registered. Although I would like to believe not, this is NY, and I do not trust my fate to not end up arrested and on trial to the "just doing my job" polijob nor the left-wing, anti-gun district attorneys and judges. Therefore Ibill be register any exchange barrels, that is if I have any...which I not saying I do.
Just bring a receipt in to the permit office for whatever caliber conversion you have and ask them to add it.I did a forum search to see if a legal gun owner must register a new caliber for a handgun. With the increase in modular pistols it is now easier than ever to change a caliber while keeping the "same" gun. There still doesn't seem to much consensus about whether a new caliber for the same serial number needs to be registered. Although I would like to believe not, this is NY, and I do not trust my fate to not end up arrested and on trial to the "just doing my job" polijob nor the left-wing, anti-gun district attorneys and judges. Therefore Ibill be register any exchange barrels, that is if I have any...which I not saying I do.
You have to register every caliber you have conversion kits for the gun in question. I have a T/C Encore pistol it did not come from the factory with a barrel, but there are literally a hundred barrels that can go on it (pistol, rifle, shotgun and Muzzle loader) any pistol length barrel I buy has to go on my permit as an additional caliber for the Frame. Same goes for AR pistols, and all the other pistols that have caliber conversion kits. Your pistol is listed once and all the calibers are listed in the caliber line for that pistol.Go find us the part of the law that says what "the weapon" is. I can't believe they'd be smart enough to be dumb enough to say that a slide and barrel (with no serial number and no fire control group) is "the weapon".
No lawyer but in my opinion, the caliber on the permit should be what the gun left the factory as.
Here in Livingston county per the clerk we need to add any new barrel otherwise it is an unregistered handgunWhat if you have a modular Sig and have multiple caliber barrels. Do all of them need to be listed on the permit?
Go find us the part of the law that says what "the weapon" is. I can't believe they'd be smart enough to be dumb enough to say that a slide and barrel (with no serial number and no fire control group) is "the weapon".
No lawyer but in my opinion, the caliber on the permit should be what the gun left the factory as.
YES.What if you have a modular Sig and have multiple caliber barrels. Do all of them need to be listed on the permit?