Long past timentontake matters into our own hands. The government is not fulfilling its obligations to protect its citizens so me must take measures to protect ourselves. Rough justice is the term I belive.
They attempt to "normalize" or "mainstream" something that is twisted.
If they have some success with that something. Then they move on and do the same thing with something even more twisted.
Rinse and repeat.
From what I understand with this no bail deal according to the DA in Livingston county the accused can legally with his lawyer visit the scene of the crime ... Think about that one ...
I bet if they had a 30 round mag they'd have been locked up indefinitely without a trial.
I don't agree with their bullshit policy where they release illegals before ice gets there to protect them but for fucks sake how the hell can you even allow them to be released at all after the sexually assault anyone - especially a minor?
This is happening all around the Country. This is occurring each and every day in nearly all States. It is really past the time for America and Americans to wake the fuck up.