.475 A&M Magnum
The media needs to go.
Do a google search about how Obama treated the press. He even asked congress to pass a law to limit what the press could hear about his administration.
He pulled the press credentials from several reporters for far less than Acosta did.
Jim Acosta interupted and bullied the white house for 2 years.
He demands the same question be answered several times and screams over others.
Do you remember when Obama had a reporter carried off Air Force One?
Anyways, where were was all the outrage when Obama constantly called FOX news "fake" and biased. Where was the outrage when Obama refused to call on FOX or any conservative reporters?
Dayten,I’m all for him being kicked out for sure! He’s a damn heckler, but that’s not assault. Conservatives are being wayyy to dramatic about it and it’s foolish looking.
Jim had his arm out and she tried grabbing the microphone and it moved his body (because he didn’t let go) and his arm was moved into hers. This isn’t assault, it’s just the right being dramatic like the left is. They go low, but we shouldn’t go lower by calling that assault.Dayten,
Think about the times we are in. Believe me, by Acosta just touching her in any way shape or manner without her consent is a physical assault.
I have witnessed just such an incident in the work place. Job lost and a career ended as a result.
Edit: In fact it appears to me that his push on her arm made her stumble to her right.
Jim had his arm out and she tried grabbing the microphone and it moved his body (because he didn’t let go) and his arm was moved into hers. This isn’t assault, it’s just the right being dramatic like the left is. They go low, but we shouldn’t go lower by calling that assault.
The left needs to go. The democrats need to go.The media needs to go.
Jim had his arm out and she tried grabbing the microphone and it moved his body (because he didn’t let go) and his arm was moved into hers. This isn’t assault, it’s just the right being dramatic like the left is. They go low, but we shouldn’t go lower by calling that assault.
I agree with her taking the microphone. He didn’t push her though.Trump told him to shut up .. Jim was not asking a question , he asking for a debate .. not the place for that ..
you have a candy bar (microphone) and your commander tells you to share it and you say no , and my job is to get that candy bar (microphone) from you when the Commander says your done .. share it ... you push back at me .. you assaulted me
get it Son![]()
We are living in the age of the "SNOWFLAKE" .WTF.... Suing a President over a press pass. Seriously, W. T. F. ?