Care to state the top 3 coincidences?Not so much. Been watching with a skeptical eye for a while now.
To many coincidences to be coincidental.
And your link to newsweek, doesn't exactly bode well for your argument.
Ok I got some of what you said the other parts I cant read.
Care to state the top 3 coincidences?
Sandy hook,
Las vegas shooting ,
operation Mocking bird
Gulf of Tonkin
All are coincidence theory's
Interesting read Redtail, some of it is a bit to cryptic for me but I remain patient.
Wow, 2 strawnen in a row.
Wow, 2 strawnen in a row.
Probably why I didn't quote you.Not sure you understand what a straw man is. Certainty doesn't apply to what I posted about the media
Probably why I didn't quote you.
Does that prove their existence?Parents of children who died in Sandy Hook shooting sue Alex Jones for defamation
Jones has in the past raised conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook shooting. In November 2016, he said: “The only problem is, I’ve watched a lot of soap operas, and I’ve seen actors before. And I know when I’m watching a movie and when I’m watching something real.”
Jones deserves to lose in my opinion. I hope the parents get the full amount they are seeking. Terrible to do this to these parents, all from conjecture and baseless claims. Jones motivation?... Money and fame.
If this were a hoax then the goal would be to keep quiet and let it fade away. Sueing Jones is the opposite.
Alex Jones is the all time leader -the king- of fake news. Alex Jones - Wikipedia
And worst of all he makes the pro-gun movement look like a bunch of fruitcake wackos. No doubt we lose swing votes because of this moron.