.338 Win Mag
As for a store that DOES NOT have a no gun policy, they would have no obligation (from my perspectice) to provide personal protection because they arent denying you from being armed if you so choose.So does the store that does not have a no guns policy have a responsibility to protect you if theres an armed robbery and you're shot by either the robber or an armed patron?
If you really, truly fear for your life walking into Walmart- what's forcing you to go to Walmart?
What if Walmart is the only place someone on a limited budget, in a small town can go to?
I do get yours and @Darth s point, I do get that 100%, and even wrestled with that side of things while working out an opinion on this. However, when looking at it as a life safety issue I dont see how its any different than any other requirements that i already mentioned.
Dont take this as me blasting your side of this, and Im open to counter points to my opinion on this. As I continue to learn and become more informed my opinions on some things will change depending on what its about.