20×102mm Vulcan
Current Vote Trends Show Trump Will Carry Florida By Close To Ten Points 55-45
You have to know Florida to understand Florida. In many ways it’s a microcosm of the larger U.S. electorate, everyone is from somewhere else; and in some ways it’s a unique place known only to generational crackers, which has nothing whatsoever to do with race or hyphens.
Because Florida is a microcosm of the entire U.S.
All of these population centers are inhabited by clusters of people who are transplants from the Southern, North East, Mid-Atlantic, Mid-West, Upper Mid-West and even Western U.S. And in each of these areas with very regional-centric outlooks you find high support for Donald Trump.
This reality is exactly opposite from the media narrative.
In essence, when you pull back from the micro-look from Trump’s strength in Florida – what you will find is the macro-look overlay fits almost identically with the regional perspectives of the larger U.S. nationally. This reality underlines the remarkable strength noticed immediately in 2015 because Donald Trump instantly assembled a very broad-based coalition of support.
If Trump can win Florida with a seven to near ten point margin of cross-cultural/cross-regional victory in, he is well positioned to do the exact same thing on a national scale in the larger aggregate.
Current Vote Trends Show Trump Will Carry Florida By Close To Ten Points 55-45…
You have to know Florida to understand Florida. In many ways it’s a microcosm of the larger U.S. electorate, everyone is from somewhere else; and in some ways it’s a unique place known only to generational crackers, which has nothing whatsoever to do with race or hyphens.
Because Florida is a microcosm of the entire U.S.
All of these population centers are inhabited by clusters of people who are transplants from the Southern, North East, Mid-Atlantic, Mid-West, Upper Mid-West and even Western U.S. And in each of these areas with very regional-centric outlooks you find high support for Donald Trump.
This reality is exactly opposite from the media narrative.
In essence, when you pull back from the micro-look from Trump’s strength in Florida – what you will find is the macro-look overlay fits almost identically with the regional perspectives of the larger U.S. nationally. This reality underlines the remarkable strength noticed immediately in 2015 because Donald Trump instantly assembled a very broad-based coalition of support.
If Trump can win Florida with a seven to near ten point margin of cross-cultural/cross-regional victory in, he is well positioned to do the exact same thing on a national scale in the larger aggregate.
Current Vote Trends Show Trump Will Carry Florida By Close To Ten Points 55-45…