It does, but it's also brandishing. Any attempt to invoke the firearm before you are justified in shooting is a crime.
It's possible that it could still be the best option though, brandishing is a lesser charge than shooting the guy, but it would still be a bad plan.
You say it's a bad plan, but realistically, what option do you have? I know this, IF I have to pull my gun and it stops him from advancing on me, I will still be holding it on him until the police show up. I view that differently than firing a warning shot. I'll take my chances with a DA and a jury if need be, but to me, if I can make the case that my drawing caused him to stop his advance and threats of deadly harm on me before I had to shoot him, then I think it would not qualify as brandishing. Maybe a close call, but better than letting him bash your brains in.
Of course there is the school of thought that if you need to pull your firearm, that you NEED to shoot them. And as some have said, a dead asshole cannot refute your statement.