.700 Nitro Express
But they only need to dominate local elections to take house or senate seats.Those minions are no more numerous than they were during the Trump campaign. Remember, Hildabeast was predicted, by the polls, to win with a 99% assurity. The big cities will not change their allegiance. The big cities have always been dumb and will continue to be dumb. It's the rest of the country that voted Trump into office. The rest of the country, as long as they stay vigilant with their voting turnout, will continue to vote Repub. Remember Astorino won 46 out of the states 62 counties in a dumb controlled state. That is a microcosm of the rest of the country.
And a lot of their base didn't show up because they hated hillary, but assumed she would win without their vote anyway. If they had known their vote would have made the difference they would have.
This is not the time to get complacent.