Don’t stop there! Shut down Congress too, go home. Originally Congress was to not even exist until it was called into session. Let’s go back to that… think of the savings!Democrats Claim ... We are at WAR!!! ... shut down the City ..
Oooooo boyMusk and most of his team have been granted their security clearances
Musk has a top secret clearance and has for years because of his contracts with the government. Most of congress has little to no clearance depending on what committees they work on some have limited clearances, a need to know type of thing. senators on the other hand Every Senator and Representative has a Secret-level clearance at a minimum. Many have a Top Secret-level clearance.Musk and most of his team have been granted their security clearances
It was hilarious a couple years ago when the democrats tried to sue Musk for not hiring foreign workers at SpaceX.Musk has a top secret clearance and has for years because of his contracts with the government. Most of congress has little to no clearance depending on what committees they work on some have limited clearances, a need to know type of thing. senators on the other hand Every Senator and Representative has a Secret-level clearance at a minimum. Many have a Top Secret-level clearance.
Yeah. Dems aren’t the problem
time to squash these turds