.40 S&W
Remember when we all got kicked out? Good times. Wonder if things have changed there in the last 12 years. Was our ban for life or just until all the fudds kicked? Anyone a member there now? Has anyone who was banned been able to sign up there again? Curious minds want to know. 
After a multi-year hiatus, I'm looking to join a new club. I hear that place in Auburn is pretty awesome! Plan on checking it out, but it made me nostalgic for the good ol' days when we all stood up for what we believed in and paid the iron price for it.
After a multi-year hiatus, I'm looking to join a new club. I hear that place in Auburn is pretty awesome! Plan on checking it out, but it made me nostalgic for the good ol' days when we all stood up for what we believed in and paid the iron price for it.