You may, but the courts disagree. Trump is losing most of his cases. The campaign has also just dropped their lawsuit in Michigan.
Trump campaign loses 3 cases challenging ballots after dropping its lawsuit in Michigan
President Donald Trump and his allies have repeatedly lost or withdrawn cases aimed at overturning Joe Biden's victory in the White House
The question was asked why I keep pressing this. It's because too much news of this election fraud has been garnered from thoroughly illegitimate (yes even more illegitimate than MSM sites, and I'd even include huffpo in this believe it or not) sources that outright fabricated bullshit. All of that bullshit may sound good on parler but in courts it's summarily discarded as such. If we want to turn back the tide of toxic liberalism we need to be smart about it and honest about how to do it. That means spreading and in turn demanding honesty.
Many of the people involved in this, including rudy guiliani and sidney powell, are running their own names into the mud getting hooked on total rubbish. Wasn't rudy pivotal in bringing down the mob in NYC? Now he's a dumb attack dog for anything because he commands a high salary. And sidney powell was happy to relay a whole lot of complete bullshit on the news but let's see her bring that in front of a judge. So the question as to would she make this up? Absolutely she would, and she did. I would guess 80%+ of the stuff she said in that interview with maria bartiromo was rubbish. And will never be proven in court.
So you can look at this and don't see fraud?