I haven't chewed through it yet, but the gist of it goes something like this... dems are cheaters!!!Dude, that's 105 pages! Synopsis? Pretty please.
I get it. I just think and maybe incorrectly that this is just too big to ignore. The entire world is hinging on this event. I really don't think the other disappointments you mentioned come close to the magnitude of this IF they can prove it. The other stuff was bush league (no pun intended) relatively speaking IMHO. Time will tell. Hopefully one day we will be reminiscing about the time we ALMOST lost America. I truly believe things happen for a reason as painful as that reason may periodically be.No doubt, which is why I said painstakingly arduous. Otherwise I'd have said I give up.
We've all seen:
Unsafe Act passed in the middle of the night. No challenge worth any mention, and certainly no rollback of it.
Hildabeast emails. A nothing burger.
Bill meets Loretta on the infamous runway meeting. Nothing.
Hildabeast and Uranium One. Zippo.
Hildabeast and Benghazi. Crapped on.
Jeffrey Epstein. Murdered under pretense of suicide. Crickets.
Russian influence on 2016 Trump win. Huh? Nothing.
Hunters laptop. Don't make me laugh.
Trump impeached under the guise of everything illegal the Dems actually did commit. Dead crickets.
Attempted coup after coup. The crickets are decomposed.
I'm tired. I'm truly hanging in here with the slightest, tiniest, ever fading glimmer of 'hope'. But I know deep down that my expectations have precedent set by the brief list of disappointments I listed above. We all know that list is the Readers Digest Condensed version of atrocities these scum sucking maggots are guilty of.
Again, I'm just tired of the constant defeats.
If that comes, I may add a Remington 1100 to the rotation in my truck.THE VOTER FRAUD EXPLAINED: If this is true, we are headed for a major shit-storm: the crimes committed by the left are huge. How Pres. Trump will win the election:
stand by for rioting and looting on a scale no one has ever seen
I said before that big things are just a bunch of little things added up.What I don't like is everything they find "is not enough to sway the election'
Well you start adding all the little things up, and it sure as hell is.
Then you’ll love my source LOL
I have not despaired at all. I have said from the beginning, and all the way till now, said that Trump has been re-elected. Others may not think this, but I do.
If that comes, I may add a Remington 1100 to the rotation in my truck.
Too bad mine's a 20g lol. My only 12g is an O/U.![]()
Choate Mag Tube Extension Remington 870, 1100, 11-87 12 Ga 5-Round
Choate Magazine Extensions offer extra capacity with minimal modification to your shotgun. These quality steel tubes are perfect for competition or home...www.midwayusa.com
You’re welcome.
Too bad mine's a 20g lol. My only 12g is an O/U.
This sounds encouraging to me.Anyone want to chime in about this?
The DOJ's top election-crimes official stepped down hours after AG Barr authorized investigations into voter fraud in violation of department policy
Richard Pilger, who oversaw voter-fraud investigations, stepped down after William Barr ignored policy meant to limit DOJ interference in elections.www.businessinsider.com
Anyone want to chime in about this?
The DOJ's top election-crimes official stepped down hours after AG Barr authorized investigations into voter fraud in violation of department policy
Richard Pilger, who oversaw voter-fraud investigations, stepped down after William Barr ignored policy meant to limit DOJ interference in elections.www.businessinsider.com
Chime in? You want my opinion on this? Seriously?
Richard Pilger should be the first official to be investigated. He is screaming to the world that he's complicit to the fraud perpetrated by Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Harris, Hildabeast, Soros, Bloomturd, and every other POS in their corrupt world.
This software to change votes was in every swing state .... ... Who knows if that Jorgensen got any votes .. Taking votes from trump and sending them to any one else also helped biden...Now that Barr is on the hunt for fraud We could find out.... Perhaps 2-3 years from now... I have always said Muller investigation was put in place to destroy and cover up files for the DNC and certain parties .. rather than try to convict Trump..