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Elizabeth Warren’s Tax Plan Would Bring Rates Over 100% for Some
Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s tax proposals would push federal rates on billionaires and some multimillionaires above 100% to finance social programs. Some say that could slow economic growth.
My take:
- Warren is behind Biden but not massively so (RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination)
- Major plank of her election, and she even sells "billionaire's tears" mugs on her website is anti-rich people. I personally don't know, never have, never will a billionaire, but like many effective politicians in the past she has identified a group of nasty offenders who are responsible for why our lives suck
- Sanders says and I assume she agrees that billionaires shouldn't exist. But what about deca-millionaires? Should they? What about people worth $2M or $1M?
- I do believe that if she wins the nomination and polls show her as having any chance in hell of winning (she will scare a lot of money away), the stock market will respond poorly. She will greatly disincentive people from holding equities, at least rich ones. This will have to depress stock prices.
- As a friendly reminder, I personally pay more in federal taxes than literally millions of americans combined. Most of you do here, too. The wealth disparity in the US is ridiculous. I think it is, but let's be clear the rich pay absolute shit loads of taxes as it is. I don't know what the perfect tax rate is, but this crap like "they pay a lower tax rate than I do" is totally irrelevant, as 20% on $10M is a lot more than 22% on $100k.