The EMP threat is serious ... ... We plan as best we can .. Like most folks $ is a main issue. While I have access to more than most. .. Some decent land ... A few tractors that would work in an EMP era. We Try to buy quality tools Knowledge of growing food .. Canning .... Just had 2 crowns taken care of this month .... $2000 ... As I said money is an issue ... Not enough to go around ... Trying to establish a priority in what needs to be done 1st is challenging at times . Last year dropped over $7000 on an engine rebuild on a 1965 model John Deere diesel tractor ... It will run during an EMP. Around 65 HP with a loader . . Does not take long for the $$$ to fly out of ones hand . ... Not trying to discourage folks . Just keep plugging away . Do the best one can.
We actually budget money for this. At least we try. I believe that anything you can do to prepare for the unknown is more than the next guy. No matter ones financial situation, there is never enough.
I am always working on food stuffs, water supply stuff and most of all, knowledge. Knowledge is power.