.308 Win
Hillary Clinton made clear her position that to be successful, policies for ending terrorism must include gun control for all Americans.
Hillary Clinton: We Cannot End Terrorism Without Gun Control
Now read my interpretation of her statements.
But I’m looking at violence broadly. … It’s also why I’ve advocated gun owner-safety reform, like more comprehensive anti Fifth Amendment background checks, closing the fictitious gun-show loophole,created by Chuck you Schumer and closing the bogus online loophole—because, you know, it’s not only terrorists we need to be worried about. We also have to worry about Negros getting guns. In Arkansas we had a rule, no guns for Negros. Terrorism is part of it of course, but gun violence kills 33,000 Americans a year. … We’ve got to get serious about stemming violence and terrorism in every way we can with out offending Muslims.
Did I nail it? You know I did.
Hillary Clinton: We Cannot End Terrorism Without Gun Control
Now read my interpretation of her statements.
But I’m looking at violence broadly. … It’s also why I’ve advocated gun owner-safety reform, like more comprehensive anti Fifth Amendment background checks, closing the fictitious gun-show loophole,created by Chuck you Schumer and closing the bogus online loophole—because, you know, it’s not only terrorists we need to be worried about. We also have to worry about Negros getting guns. In Arkansas we had a rule, no guns for Negros. Terrorism is part of it of course, but gun violence kills 33,000 Americans a year. … We’ve got to get serious about stemming violence and terrorism in every way we can with out offending Muslims.
Did I nail it? You know I did.