.475 A&M Magnum
So if I told you to rob a bank and you did would I go to jail because I told you too? This is more of a don't look right my left has your attention. Never read where it said anything about Trump. But if it was published in a fake news outlet i would discount it fast. Not sure yet what to make of this but I think it is a mole hill made to be a mountain. Your First statement is fear driven, just like a sheep should respond. Sit back watch the shit show they are dumb enough to bury themselves.
I will say my "fear" is well founded in that the Deep state is made up of extremely powerful people that I believe are setting a legal trap for POTUS. They have no other options.
Lets look at who has not even been investigated, the entire Obama administration should be charged with Sedition ( Not treason) but? nope? not one word of any prosecution. The entire Clinton crime family should be charged with Sedition and Tax evasion but, nope?
There is a lot to be worried over here. You can sit back and relax and watch the shit show, me, Im going into Prep mode.