Marine Cpl
.577 Tyrannosaur.
How does the frying pan test go with JHP's? A .45 fmj might not penetrate like a 9mm fmj but .45 hardball makes a larger hole. It's a give and take I guess. Many look at that kind of penetration as a negative. If I'm ever in a shoot out in a frying pan factory I will take a 10mm or a .357 sig. In a free state I'm a 9mm guy for most situations. In this dump of a state I will take 10 230 grainers.
This is a creepy name for a channel but interesting results.
Edit: I see he used JHP and FMJ in frying pan test.
You might very well be in a frying pan factory. Someone might be taking cover behind a car, a storage container, a shed, a steel garbage can or dumpster, or something similar while shooting back at you.
I don't think HP vs FMJ matters. Why would it? It's a speed issue.
He shot two .380 ACP's which have a velocity similar to 230 gr .45 ACP at around the 800 to 900 fps range in both HP and FMJ and neither penetrated the pan.
The 9mm had no such problems which is basically the same bullet as the .380 with less velocity.
There are tests out there that show the .357 Sig outpenetrating the 9mm in thicker steel. Both bullets are the same but the extra 300 to 400 fps the Sig has allows penetration on thicker steel.
A smaller rifle bullet will zip through a vest while a handgun bullet will not.
Speed Penetrates hard objects.
Perhaps if a .45 ACP 185 gr at a velocity of a little over 1000 fps was used, it would have penetrated the pan.
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