Not you .... your wee wee is a wee bit small.I really wonder why Trump just doesn't declassify all the shit the FBI/DOJ/DOS is hiding and end this BS ?
There would be enough stuff to indict dozens of democraps ----- even the MSM could not ignore it.
BTW, who among us would not have screwed Stormy back in her better days ?
Because...fuck attorney-client privilege huh? We're basically becoming a banana republic at this point.
So this prostitute and Trump's lawyer were the russians he was colluding with? isn't that why they raided?
Wait, I thought this whole "investigation" was about Russian collusion? Anything else that doesn't have bearing on that is not admissible.
Maybe the Dems are still sore over Clinton being impeached for a blowjob and want quid-pro-quo?
So we can use the FBI to investigate an alleged affair that happened years ago? WTF is that shit about?
Maybe she was there too?!What in hell does a porn star have to do with Russia fixing an election? Where the hell are these investigations going? Who's over seeing these investigations .. If nothing comes of this every person involved should loose their pensions to pay for the waste of man power. If he screwed a porn star before he was president it is absolutely irrelevant to any of this shit. I'd feel bad for his wife but hey who the fuck knows, maybe they have an arrangement maybe they don't.