This is NOTHING new. The Feds have been using License Plates to track Americans for decades. They started doing it years ago at KKK rallies and Speak Easys.
This shouldn't shock anyone unless you are are living with your head stuck in the sand. If you own a smartphone the feds know where you are and what you are doing. BTW fuck you feds!
Try recording license plates or videoing a union meeting and see what happens.
But screw it. We are all law abiding people. We have nothing to hide. What difference does it make if they are doing this.
I often see the guy from Cheektowata with the license plate readers going up and down the aisles at Cabela's. I assumed he was looking for the scofflaws that don't pay insurance to keep us safe. Hmmmm now I wonder.
Not a surprise at all, but the revelation exposes a practice which violates Rights of Citizens engaged in legal activity! Are so many, so indoctrinated with the BS that the general mentality is just well "Geeee, they been doing it forever, so what am I to do, just deal with it, can't do nothing about it, etc"? Lately I'm becoming surprised at responses, not unexpected, but surprised!