I thought you were already!
Just double checking to make sure if i was allowed

I thought you were already!
It's very concerning for sure. I'm just very skeptical of everything I see now. By that I mean, polls, surveys, news articles and yes the "posted" number of respondents to something the ATF is doing. If you look at the last few times the ATF proposed something but then backed off because of public backlash, it makes zero sense to me that now, suddenly no one cares. I'll bet there has been a lot of backlash that is simply not being posted. The fact that your comment isn't immediatly posted and has to go through "checks" is all the proof I need that they are omitting peoples feed back.You’re right, they absolutely could try and do that. But the people that use that excuse to not to take the three minutes to type a comment is exactly what @kev74 said...pure and simple lazy! It’s insane. People want to be a unified group of second amendment exercising Americans but don’t actually want to try and contribute to future of it. They’d rather watch the second amendment erode while more restrictions be put on all Americans before typing a few words. Those same people who say they’ll stand up for what’s right but then are too worried and lazy to actually stand up and say something. Also like @kev74 said before, it’s truly embarrassing to see this lack of interaction that the proposal has received across all of the firearms community.
I agree that if that’s what they are doing than it’s bullshit. But it’s also just as bad that no one will even leave a comment in the first place. People are given the option to at least try and do something and they still won’t.It's very concerning for sure. I'm just very skeptical of everything I see now. By that I mean, polls, surveys, news articles and yes the "posted" number of respondents to something the ATF is doing. If you look at the last few times the ATF proposed something but then backed off because of public backlash, it makes zero sense to me that now, suddenly no one cares. I'll bet there has been a lot of backlash that is simply not being posted. The fact that your comment isn't immediatly posted and has to go through "checks" is all the proof I need that they are omitting peoples feed back.
Yeah, but who's saying that people aren't trying? I did. You did, lot's of people did. Shit, even that fucking black bearded pirate @Edwardteach72 did. This isn't years ago. Lots of shady shit happening nowadays.I agree that if that’s what they are doing than it’s bullshit. But it’s also just as bad that no one will even leave a comment in the first place. People are given the option to at least try and do something and they still won’t.
Also look at what's at stake here. This is that under the radar gun control Obama was caught mentioning years ago. They really want this to happen and they want to make it look like no one cares.Yeah, but who's saying that people aren't trying? I did. You did, lot's of people did. This isn't years ago. Lots of shady shit happening nowadays.
May live longer defending from cover than while charging heroically across a barren field.This is where I say, “better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.“
Just look at the how many people are saying they aren’t going to comment or are advocating for not commenting in this forum alone. A forum which you would assume would be filled with people attempting to help the second amendment. Also how many people in the forum are completely quiet about it and if I had to guess I would bet that the majority of the people being quiet regarding it (not all though) are probably not going to comment either.Yeah, but who's saying that people aren't trying? I did. You did, lot's of people did. Shit, even that fucking black bearded pirate @Edwardteach72 did. This isn't years ago. Lots of shady shit happening nowadays.