6.5 Creedmoor
You do not know what qualified immunity is . Cops get sued all the time. And doctors do have a type of qualified immunity. You just can’t sue a doctor because they missed a diagnosisThat *is* the rule of engagement for all CCW.
A single standard, that is all I ask. No more, no less.
And doctors do kill people, it's an unavoidable consequence of any job where you must make life or death judgements. But doctors do not expect to do it without consequences. That is why they carry millions of dollars of malpractice insurance.
They manage to do their job without a special exemption giving them immunity.
There are many other professions that risk their lives more than cops, that make split second life or death decisions more than cops. But only cops (and government in general) thinks they should be exempt from the consequences of bad judgment.
“Not every diagnostic error is malpractice”
Can You Prove the Doctor Was Negligent?
There's almost no such thing as a simple misdiagnosis malpractice case. Even when the doctor's error seems obvious, you still might need expert witnesses to prove your case. In any medical malpractice lawsuit, you can expect the doctor to vigorously fight your negligence claims.”
Medical Malpractice: Misdiagnosis and Delayed Diagnosis
The wrong or late diagnosis can lead to a medical malpractice lawsuit. Learn when you can sue a doctor for a medical misdiagnosis and how to win your case.

You basically need other doctors to declare it malpractice to make it to trial.
There is a different standard for police/peace officers . Deal with it . Not only can police officers stand their ground but can be the aggressor. That is the nature of the job. To confront people .