It just really makes me angry and frustrated. President Trump is not perfect. He has done things I do not at all approve of however overall he is accomplishing more for the country than any president I have seen in my lifetime. When he deals with other nations in trade negotiations I actually have full confidence that he will get the best deal for us. I don't even worry about it.
His foreign policy though brusque and brash has been effective, I have confidence in him there too. His domestic economic polices have certainly paved the way for a dramatic increase in my income and I am grateful for that. One of my biggest criticisms of him was his standing on the sidelines of corporate censorship and monopolistic abuse of power in social media but President Trump is starting to make moves on that front as well. I abhor his executive bump stock ban and I am angry he hasn't done anything to pair back gun legislation but at least under his administration the buying panic has stopped and prices have returned to somewhat sane levels.
And what of the politicians that have arrayed themselves against the President? What good have they done? Wherever democrats have held longstanding power things are in a shambles. The people are poor, homeless, hopelessly addicted to drugs. Constitutionally codified human rights are abrogated, the majority are enslaved by an insane, lunatic minority. The people suffer, even the leftist thrills, perhaps they most of all being chained intonations perpetual childhood of endless tantrums and unenlightened thought, slaves to their Id.
This terrible state of affairs can be objectively said to be evil, the hypocrisy of democrats like cuomo eminates like waves of toxic radiation, mutating those that haven't the sense to shelter from it.
It's not right. This cannot be allowed to stand.
What the left is doing is wrong, it is plainly obvious to anyone still gifted with critical and objective thought.
Its just wrong! Like most of his democrat compatriots cuomo is just and arrogant, ignorant and evil person.
He hasn't the moral ground to condemn anyone.