Call, write, email your Rep's and demand they support this effort, it does make a difference!!!!!! If we don't who will, call friends and family. cumo will sign it if he thinks in his long term political interest. This is the best chance we have had since this onerous, unconstitutional morass sat on the desk of that fool Skretny!!!! GET ON BOARD OR STOP BITCHING!!!
Yeah, thats the defeatist attitude I expect from some here. Ask your union for some help.See post 2.![]()
Come on now. Leave the Unions out of it. We are all friends here. I'm just stating the obvious.Yeah, thats the defeatist attitude I expect from some here. Ask your union for some help.
Just like congressional Republicans that passed 6 bills to repeal Obamacare when they knew the President would veto them. Now that they're in the majority...NOTHING!The Republicans are actually doing something instead of "declaring opposition" and pointless resolutions? FUAC
Come on now. Leave the Unions out of it. We are all friends here. I'm just stating the obvious.
You don't actually think Andy boy is going to think that rescinding his baby to the white house is a good idea?
Cuomo is like a constipated turd in the sphincter, it ain't gonna pass by him.
Cuomo has its own animated series??!!
Huh, I always figured NYC was the reason the state was in the shits.You nay sayers that do nothing are a huge part of the reason this state is in the shits! Go fuck your selves and quit bitchin.
I voted for Trump to save the 2nd Amend. even though I didn't think he would win. (glad to be wrong)Call, write, email your Rep's and demand they support this effort, it does make a difference!!!!!! If we don't who will, call friends and family. cumo will sign it if he thinks in his long term political interest. This is the best chance we have had since this onerous, unconstitutional morass sat on the desk of that fool Skretny!!!! GET ON BOARD OR STOP BITCHING!!!
What is SCOTUS waiting for?I too believe the analysis that the unSAFE act will never go away until Andy is gone and/or SCOTUS stomps HARD on CA, NY, 4th circuit and 9th circuit.
I also think the real purpose of these bills is to elevate and publicize the civil rights injustice the proggies have perpetrated on us, so it becomes visible in the eyes of the general public. The bastards trying to subjugate us have been working on this project for over 100 years. We have to adopt the same long view. I don't doubt that there are a number of RINO's that think they are just playing us for our next vote, but we have to think farther out than just the next election, and even if they inadvertently further our cause, it's all good.
We're running out of cases to get to SCOTUS with...Everyone I can contact, write, call and otherwise ask to help has been contacted, written called. I am fairly certain it will not make a difference. As stated above, Cuomo would never let his baby die unless it was in his political interest and in NY, it never will be. On the national level, running as a Dem, no benefit to change it or let it die. The only hope I see is the Supreme Court. However, that will never stop me from contacting, writing and calling each time someone puts up a fight against SAFE. Speaking out bring attention to the issue. Enough speak out and maybe it will get the attention of the right person or people. People who can bring a change. Look at it like this; eventually something comes to the supreme court that could abolish SAFE or components of it. Justices know that the decision is going to cause waves one way or the other. They read the news, see the reports and see that not a whole lot of people are objecting. Why stir the nest and strike down SAFE, its easy enough not to and give some justification that the left cheers for. Now, same scenario but this time, the voice of the right has been very loud. I have to believe the decision in or favor is more likely.
I believe in fighting for my rights regardless of the chance for success. My rights are important to me. Never give up the fight.